English, asked by frostcircle17, 6 months ago

Write an Essay on "Importance of Education in the Development"
in 150-180 words...


Answered by srishti1154


Essays on the importance of education may focus on different aspects: the importance for the individual, for society in general, for economic growth and for sustainable development of a nation, the importance of particular types of education (e.g. technological, physical, sex education, education with relation to climate change, biological conservation, etc.), the importance of building a proper education environment, etc. The importance of education can never be overstated and this is also true about the multiple related subtopics. Explore the samples of papers listed in this category to find an inspiring essay. By reviewing several essays, you would get a fairly good idea about the type of content expected, the style, language, formatting, and essay structure (introduction, conclusion, etc.).

Answered by anjaligautam82874

Education can be defined as the procedure of acquiring skills, values, knowledge, habits, and beliefs. There are also many experts who believe that education can also be defined as the procedure of facilitating learning. There are many educational methods which are often employed and some of those education methods include teaching, discussing, training, storytelling, and directed research. It is important to remember that in the majority of the situations, education takes place under the guidance of an educator. However, there are also many conditions in which an individual might educate himself or herself without any help from any other being. Human development, on the other hand, is a field of science which has the main aim of understanding the changes which take place in people from all ages and circumstances. It is important to remember that the field of human development is not just concerned with physical changes but in this field the focus also relies on other types of changes including psychological changes. There have also been many experts who suggest that education plays a very important role in the development of human beings. And in this education essay piece, the readers will be able to learn about the education definition, importance of education in the development of human beings, and many other points.

Understanding Education

Before proceeding to discuss how education plays a key role in shaping up the different aspects of an individual in this education essay, it is first important to learn what education really is and what is meant by the term ‘human development’. And in this subtopic, the readers will be able to learn about the importance of education and the education definition. As it was mentioned above in this education essay, education can be defined as the procedure of facilitating learning and acquiring different skills, beliefs, values, habits, and knowledge. According to experts, education can take place either in a formal setup or an informal setup. However, it is often observed to be most effective if children are provided with a setup which is comfortable and yet allows the child to be only focused on the information he or she is receiving.

There are many government bodies from all across the globe which recognizes the right to education. And in many countries, the procedure of formal education goes through different stages including kindergarten or preschool, primary school, secondary school, and a university or college. There are also many regions situated all across the globe, in which education is compulsory for children up to a certain age. There have also been many philosophers who have given their own education definition but most of them tend to agree that if one wants to lead a healthy and happy life then it is important to recognize the importance of education at the right time.

Understanding Human Development

In this section of the education essay, the readers will be able to understand the procedure which is followed for the development of human beings. According to many experts, if one wishes to understand the procedure of human development then it is important to study the concept of the human condition which is primarily focused on having a capability approach. There are many scales and indexes which are used by organizations to measure the progress which an individual makes in terms of his or her overall development. And one of the most commonly used indexes is that of the inequality-adjusted human development index. The United Nations Development Programme has also given a very precise education definition. And according to them, human development can be defined as the procedure of enlarging the choices of an individual. These enlarged choices can further enable an individual to have a better, long, healthy, and educated standard of living.

The Importance of Education

It has been widely agreed that education plays a very important role in the development of any being. And some of those reasons why education is so important are mentioned below in this education essay.

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