English, asked by manohar1660, 1 year ago

Write an Essay on Internet & E-mail: Milestone in Communication


Answered by hammadmoulvi
the form of computer networking at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology in 1962. After incubation period of seven years the first cute little baby of the species appeared on the scene in September in 1969 as APRANET of Department of Defence of Government of USA.

APRANET consisted of four major techno­logical breakthrough (1) Interface message processor (2) Network Topology, (3) Network matries, (4) Hretitech rural design. Bernek and Neaman analysis Corporation, University of California at Los angles (UCLA) were the agencies working together to evolve the APRANET; the first public demonstration of the network was organized during the international Computer Communication Conference an 1972 and presented by Bob Kahnm, the designer of APRANET architecture. The number of computers uses connected to the network was is in 1971 and rose rapidly to 407.1 millions in November 2000.

The next major milestone was in 1982 when Defence Department of U.S.A. created TCP and IP protocol for APRANET and other military network. It is natural to expect that when large number of computers is connected to a network, all of them must have the same standard formats and protocols so that the data can be transferred from one system to another in an orderly fashion. These transfers Internet Portal (TCP and IP) have now universally been accepted. Subsequently E-mail became a reality in 1971.


Internet basically utilizes the convergence of computers and communication technologies are making studies over last thirty years in an unprecedented way. Communication and the data transfer are increasing exponentially. A major achievement was when the first fibre capable of handling 40,000 telephone calls simultaneously was made operational in 1988 hundreds of gigabytes per second ((GCPs) data rates have now become possible to the fibre links spread all over the surface of earth including the ocean bed.

It was in 1990 that APRANET was created into a public network and opened to all citizens. The formal book to Internet was registered when Internet society was chartered in 1992. So the official age of Internet is 9 years.

Internet is great because it found wide spread applications and it provided utility and services to the common man in the society. The first requirement was to develop the capabilities of transferring files and data from one computer to another.


For this purpose a worldwide network of computers had to be established in such a way that any computer anywhere in the world could be connected to any of the millions and billions of computers. It is a web woven by the spider. Any pointer on the spider web is connected to all other points through portal either of number of cocentric rings or of spokes—like structure or both. No wonder than that the Internet infrastructure was christened as World Wide Web (WWW).

Internet gave birth to Intranet—a network within a large orgainzation using the same protocols as the Intranet. Intranet enabled the organization to increase efficiency, productivity and quality of product nets and services Intranets. Intranets could easily be connected to Internet since both used standards protocols when one Intranet gets connected to other Internet. It becomes Extranet. E-mail

In 1970 Ray Thomolinson, a programmer made history when he sent the world electronic mail the E-mail was addressed to himself and the body read the message “QWERTUIPO” and testing 1-2-3. Two years later in order to make e-mail easier TCP/IP, the language of internet came to existence.

Gradually many contributed to the revolution by adding such features as sending attachment (pictures, sound clip etc.). The development of web browser gave a big boost to the use of e-mail in the e-commerce age. Throughout the 1990s the internet continued to witness a dramatic surge in traffic as people found wide application for mail ranging from messaging to advertising and active interaction between internet group. Hotmail, the
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