Write an essay on Joint family and Nuclear family.
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Joint Family & Nuclear Family
Joint family refers to an undivided family that is consist of many members & nuclear family refers to small family that is consist of parents & their children's , not aunts & others.
Due to huge in number , joint family has alot of household works to do. For this the responsible holder of the family means generally women helps eachother in their works to make it easier & to finish it fast. On the other hand , nuclear family having less members , the work load is not much but also there is load as generally mother's alone have to finish to whole work.
Joint family is recognised as a very busy family where one can not expect for peace generally. On the other hand , nuclear family , being a family of less members have peace in every corner.
Joy in festivals have their own importance when are celebrated in a joint family. Yes , all the members of the family celebrates together by sharing their love & blessings. But , in a nuclear family a festive celebration is not like a joint family but their is something & that is the peace even festivals.
Joint family has a lot of men who do their jobs in case if one needs help in the family then he/she can easily get the help from their other brothers. But in nuclear family , if one's dad is ill & have no job then the whole family have to suffer from this situation as he was fulfilling authority of the house who was responsible for their livelihood.
Essay Writing :
Joint Family and Nuclear Family
How beautiful a family get together is while we are still unsure of each other! A politically incorrect statement, but true nevertheless. We put our best foot forward only when we are not sure of each other, dancing attendance upon every wish of our loved ones - expressed and unexpressed. This is what defines the sanctity of "Joint family".
Secondly, When we are totally focused on each other in a world of our own where we no longer have the incentive to lay out the responsibilities of being a son, uncle and a contributor. This defines the seclusion of "Nuclear Family".
Obviously, there are more advantages of having a 'Joint Family' than a ' Nuclear Family'. As joint family not only provides us opportunities of how to become responsible, burden solver and harmony, but also ensures our future and saves us from the endangers of strangers who with their sharp eyes make their prey to those who are secluded. "As united we stand, divided we fall", unity has greater influence than division.
Well, if we talk about 'Nuclear Family' it has also its flaws and advantages. We get some time to spend with our loved ones due to melancholy atmosphere where we have no pressure of handling circumstances and all that of fretting contributions. We get some happy hours of our own chosen time span. But this introvert world has less security and no collaboration at all during the times of need and crisis.
For example : If you get stuck in a situation like you have business loss, money need for having an operation of your disease and building the future foundation of your children, we will always need a support system, which we 'll only get in "Joint Family".
One of the first negative fallouts of familiarity is taking loved ones for granted and often forgetting to accord them the regard and attention that is their due. No wonder then that sometimes even those closet to us start getting irritated with our familiar behaviour.
We should accept that " Parents do not accept much from us they just expect that the loan of love which we borrowed from them in childhood to be returned in their old age." We should try to maintain our foundation, as Unity has divine power to confront the evils.