English, asked by prajukushu, 1 year ago

write an essay on journey or a voyage


Answered by TheGeniusJoker
Words 1,210

My mother tells me the first alphabet I ever formed was an ‘elle’. A lower case ‘elle’. Although my ‘elle’ looked more like a caterpillar gliding on a green apple my mother always insisted that it was a perfect lower case ‘elle’. I beg to differ; I think it was just a squiggly line. Like everyone else, writing began for me in school. I don’t remember learning the alphabet or constructing my first sentences but I do remember the spelling bee in middle school; that is when my obsession with words began.

Disappointment. Disappointment. EASY. Okay. Here I go. D – I – S – S – A – P – O – I – N – T – M – E – N – T. Oh my God, yes, that was a piece of cake, I’m going to the district bee, what? What did you say? thud….. What? thud….thud….thud…. OH MY GOD! thud…thud…thud…thud… NO! thud..thud..thud..thud..thud.. What? Two what? thud.thud.thud.thud.thud.thud ‘Esses’, two ‘pees’ not two ‘esses’. Oh my God. Thudthudthudthudthudthadthud.Disappointment.

Earlier in the week my English teacher had taken a 100 word vocabulary test. She said that one top scorer from each English class would compete in a school bee and the top 3 winners will get a chance to participate in the district bee. I was the top scorer in my class. My teacher handed to me what was supposed to be my most coveted possession: a book of spelling bee words for the seventh level categorized according to easy, medium and hard. I was supposed to study it religiously and so I did. My mom first quizzed me on the entire booklet so we could rule out the words I already knew. Next, I started going through the list one by one, starting with the ‘hards’, then the ‘mediums’, and then the ‘easys’. At the end of the week it was time to play survival of the ‘spell-ist’. There were fourteen kids and forty-five minutes down the line half had already spelled a word wrong. Seven kids were remaining and my turn was about to come up again. The kid who went before me had to spell out the name of a fruit with three ‘ayes’ and two ‘enns’. Its yellow, long, the skin peels off and kind of looks like the second alphabet I formed as a kid, a ‘jay’ that looked like a diagonally placed concave lens. I had to spell disappointment. Nonchalantly, I blurted out the alphabets and like the squiggly ‘elle’ that I had formed as a kid, I squiggled a ‘pee’ which looked, or in this case sounded like an ‘ess’. My heartbeat increased a notch higher each time I made one word query. The thud thud thud’s climbed up from my chest like a caterpillar, glided over my throat like a voyage across an apple, and penetrated my mind like a butterfly that would not stop fluttering its wings. The thud thud thud’s pulsated in my mind.
Answered by naninani
Last summer vacation was a period of joys and delights. I traveled through many cities, made many friends and enjoyed sights and scenes. A journey by boat upon the Ganga is a very wonderful experience. It is impossible to forget it. It is equally impossible to remember it without sense of pleasure.

From where to where:

We were three friend sat Allahabad. We decided very early in the morning to go to Beneras by boat. All the necessary arrangements were quickly made. We were soon moving on the sacred water.

How the boat was propelled:

The current and the wind were very favorable. Our boat went on by itself without help of oars. They were smoking and laughing. They were perfectly at ease.

Night rest:

My two friends had paid a visit to a theatre the previous night. They felt very sleepy. As the gentle breeze was blowing, they were soon asleep.

Description of Surrounding Scenery:

I was quite refreshed after a whole night of full rest and sleep. I began to look about. I observed and enjoyed what I saw. I feasted my eyes on the sights along the banks of the river. At regular intervals, there were ghats where men, women and children were bathing. I saw, at some places, the village women washing clothes. Here and there children were playing about. They were shouting at one another. Some women came to the river to fill their earthen pots.

I had often heard and read that Indians were lazy. I was struck with the busy and active habits of the villagers. One must go into a village to see the real Indian nation. This was my feeling during the journey.

Enjoyments of the Journey:

It was afternoon. The cattle were grazing on the grassy fields on either side of the river. It was a very hot. The small calves and little lambs were resting under the shady trees.

The boat moved on very gentle and noiselessly. My heart was filled with great pleasure when I saw the reflection of the setting sun in the water. The yellow rays turned the river into a bright sheet of gold. The scene around was glorious. The sky was dyed red. I enjoyed the sight of the surface of river.

Night came on. It was perfect silence all around. In the silence, the Lord of day gave his throne to the Queen of night. I looked up and saw the moon and the numberless starts. They were adding to the beauty of the night.

My Thoughts:

I fell into deep thoughts. I asked myself, “Where were the moon and the starts during the day? I could not see them when the sun was bright”. I soon found the answer. The light of the sun hide from me the moon and the starts. Perhaps the light of my life hides from me many new and wonderful worlds. Night presents a most lovely sight in the sky. Perhaps, death will open out new truth!


So thinking I too feel asleep with my friends. I was aroused from the sleep next morning by a boatman, who cried, “Sir, it is Benaras”.

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