Write an essay on Merits and demerits of Cell Phone.
An essay on advantages and disadvantages of mobile phones
Interruptions. Mobile phones are a constant, always available, and real-time communication avenue. ...
Distraction. How could distraction to not be among the bads of using a mobile phone? ...
Isolation. It's true mobile phones make people connected and the world a small village. ...
Health problems. ...
Loss of money.
Many people own a mobile phone these days, and ever since they have been around scientists question the fact of they are safe or not. The problem is that mobile phones are still too new to know the long-term effects on human. Mobile phones give of a radiation of radio frequency round 10 MHZ to 300 GHz. But so do other appliances.
Drivers who use there mobiles while driving are the only” health risk” that can be proven, the drivers get distracted and lose control over the vehicle. Technology invented something for this, hands-free sets. Researchers now are looking at if the hands free sets don’t cause other problems. A report from the magazine “which?” said that hands free kits raised levels if radiation to the head from mobile phones by up to three and a half times. The consumer association immediately stressed that it had done no research into this whether this radiation could cause damage to the brain. That just proves that whenever there has been research a report is released to prove that research wrong. Probably is done not to cause any chaos.
Mobiles are said to cause brain tumors, they say this because there was found to be more tumors of the same kind amongst mobile phone users. Mobiles cause memory loss, radiation sickness. Mobiles can disturb your sleep pattern, according to the researchers from the university of Zurich, mobile phones increases brain activity during our sleep. A really Strange result of the use of mobile phones is that mobile phones can release the poisonous mercury from fillings causing brain damage, scientist say this is due to the electrical fields given off by mobile phones can activate the mercury, giving off a gas. The fumes attach the nervous system causing conditions from depression, asthma to Alzheimer’s disease and multiple sclerosis.
Some studies have suggested links between Radio frequency radiation and lymphoma, microwaves and memory loss, mobile phone use and a rare type of brain cancer, mobile phone radiation and DNA destruction, and mobile phone use and damaged scalp nerves.
It seems one can’t enjoy technology any more without its faithful side effects, suffering a slow death. All these risks are known to effect the youth more. Technology is doing every thing it can to improve the mobile phones. To try and make the radiation that is sent out as harmless as possible, in the mean time before the technological level is high enough to do so, experts have made reports to reduce the amount of radiation. They recommend things like:
1.Cut down on time spent using the mobile phone
2.Use a mobile phone where the antenna is mounted outside a car
3.Keep mobile at a short distance from the ear
Factors that can effect how people perceive how risky new technology is that no one really knows what the long-term effects are, and until that is certain people will still be researching new possibilities. If no immediate link is put between all the risks and the real effect of mobile phones on humans, then there will be no problem in buying mobiles. The problem is that without knowing the really risk manufactures cannot develop mobiles to being safer, so many people are exposed to harmful radiation without that individual knowing. As we know from the past only big helpful research starts when a tragedy hits. In other words, who knows? There is no proof that mobile phones are a health risk, or that they are a hundred per cent safe. Some say the danger does not end until after ten minutes after hanging up because the user is still processing the conversation.