write an essay on modernisation of mankind and his behaviour attitude towards the environment
Essay on Modernisation – Meaning, Theory and Characteristics of Modernisation
Modernisation and the aspirations to modernity are probably the most overwhelming theme which has engaged the attention of sociologists, political scientists, economists and many others. In recent years the term ‘Modernisation’ has come to be used with starting frequency to characterise the urge for change.
Modernization is viewed as a process that denotes the acceptance of contemporary values and ways of life. The phrase was originally solely used to refer to economic change and its accompanying impact on social values and practices but has developed a greater meaning over time.
modernization had led to growth but, it also has its side effects on the environment which are as follows :
- A major effect of industrialization, which is slowly destroying the environment, is burdensome and endless pollution. Modernization is directly responsible for the rising level of pollution in the air, noise, water, and other areas.
- Every species of animals, as well as birds, is suffering to some extent which testifies to the technological advancements in every aspect of our lives. chemical waste from factories being discharged into water threatens marine life.
- The way number of vehicles is increasing all over the world due to the population explosion.
- water bodies and soil is getting dirtier due to the use of insecticides and pesticides, to produce more.
- Technology is producing cheaper cars so that everyone can have his or her car which leaves the air polluted.
- Noise pollution has invaded our lives in such a way that we are becoming resistant to it.
modernization transformed society from a predominantly agricultural to an industrial economy. The economy's shift has an impact on society as a whole, changing norms, attitudes, and beliefs. We see everything, but we are too reluctant to do anything against it and it's high time we change this attitude. As responsible citizens, the duty to improve environmental conditions lies on our shoulders lest each passing day suggests that doomsday is not far.