English, asked by shalini8786, 11 months ago

Write an Essay on “Narasimha Avtar of Lord Vishnu”


Answered by ayan7456
The Narasimha (man-lion) form was assumed by Vishnu for the destruction of the demon Hiranyakasipu, a powerful devil that posed as God himself and prohibited the worship of Lord Vishnu throughout the fourteen worlds.

But Hiranyakasipu's son Prahlad was a persecuted devotee of Vishnu and this deity, to deliver the son from his father, assumed the form of Narasimha and killed Hiranyakasipu.

The man-lion form was chosen as the demon had obtained a boon by which he could be destroyed by neither man nor beast.

Answered by sruthimadu23
in this avatar he is both man and woman and he had a Lion's head ...... .
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