write an essay on pros and cons of national educational policy
Explanation:The growth of industry is an important feature of civilisation. But industrial growth is not
an unmixed blessing. It has polluted the atmosphere, it has disturbed the ecological
balance, it has created tense situations in human relations and it has posed a seriousthreat
to plants, trees, greenery, and wildlife in the jungle.
Animals form an important part of jungle life. The deer, elephants, lions, tigers, leopards,
birds and other beasts indicate the living existence of wildlife. In the course of time, many
species of this wildlife have become extinct because they could not face the grim struggle
for survival as they were unfit in the process of survival of the fittest. It is a matter of deep
concern that some of the rare animal species are still being poached. We must genuinely
feel the need to protect wild animals. Now we are better civilised than the past when we
used to kill animals for food because we used
to live on them. Now, we kill animals for pleasure.
Man is a symbol of love, kindness, compassion, and nobleness. He has already crossed the
jungle stage of civilisation. He must now feel that if he wants to establish God's kingdom on
this planet, he must first sow the seeds of love, mercy, and compassion in the soil of this
earth. In this process, he should love not only his fellow human beings but also birds and
beasts. He must protect them. Coleridge, the great romantic poet, has beautifully said, that
God lovesthose who first love His creatures. Thisidea has also been expressed by Coleridge
in his long poem, The Ancient Mariner