Write an essay on Rani Lakshmi Bai's bravery.
Rani Lakshmi Bai was an unforgettable warrior in the history of India. She is famous as the Rani Of Jhansi or as the renowned Queen of Jhansi. Varanasi is the place she belongs to, popularly called Kashi. It was 1857 when the queen showed her heroism and valour rising with a rebellion against Britishers.
This battle was known as the very first war for Independence. Rani Lakshmi bai died like a hero at the young age of 29 and was amongst the most contributing characters.
British Government took an opportunity over the Maharaja's death, which caused the loss of bloodline heir, and considered occupying Jhansi. Following the incidents, the British East India Company then introduced the rule of Doctrine of Lapse. They pointed out that if any princely state comes under any indirect or direct rule of the Company, and the ruler of the state dies without a male legal heir, that is when the state has the right to annex the East India Company. Manikarnika was displeased by this unfairness, and she pleaded in London Court. Quite naturally, since it was the rule already imposed, all her attempts proved futile.
After the petitions went unaccepted by the British Government or the East India Company, war broke out in 1857. It is popularly known as the Mutiny of 1857. The revolt started at Meerut on 10th May. The revolt's original date was set on 31st May 1857, but people were already emotionally charged, restive, and impatient against the Britishers' exploitations. Hence they started the revolution way before.
The Queen of Jhansi fought with impeccable valour and courage. She single-handedly fought with the British army till one of the English horsemen struck her on the rear head, and another severely wounded her breast. Despite being heavily injured, she continued the fight bravely and killed the horsemen. She fell from the horse and collapsed on the ground. Rani Laksmi Bai will always be remembered amongst the bravest fighters in the Indian history.
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Rani Lakshmi Bai of Jhansi was the ideal celebrity in real sense. She was born on 19th November 1828 in Kashi. Her father’s name was Moropant Tambe and mother’s name was Bhagirathi Bai. Rani Lakshmi Bai was called Manu Bai in her childhood.
She was married in 1842 to Raja Gangadhar Rao, who was the king of Jhansi from 1838. Gangadhar Rao was already a widower when Lakshmi Bai married him. In 1851, a son was born to the couple but died four months later. Rani Lakshmi Bai’s husband, Gangadhar Rao, was deeply shocked by this incident and died on 21st November 1853.
During his lifetime, King Gangadhar Rao had informed the English government to consider Damodar Rao, the child of his family as an adopted son but Lord Dalhousie rejected the adoption under the policy of Doctrines of Lapse and announced the merger of Jhansi into the English state. But Rani Laxmibai did not want to let Jhansi and revolted.
Rani Lakshmi Bai formed an army of women and fought against the British bravely with her other warriors. She faced the British forces with her small army and showed a great courage and valour in the battle field. She tied her adopted son Damodar Rao behind her back and started destroying the British army with her sword in which she was badly wounded. Her horse could not succeed to cross a wide drain and a British soldier pierced his sword into her and she was martyred. She had left this world but ignited the war of independence among other Indians.