Environmental Sciences, asked by shikharcool5626, 11 months ago

Write an essay on reduce topic (50 e


Answered by Anonymous

Pollution is making our environment not only dirty but also becoming harmful for the people. The effect is posing threat on our survival. We can notice spread litters here and there on the roads, parks and several other public places. These wastes are because of our unintelligent, careless and thoughtless use of food products and other usable things. This makes the public places dirty as well as bad looking for the visitors. Recent survey shows that use of packets food, water bottles have increased at an alarming rate in many countries including India.

The word waste means to use or expend carelessly. There are predominantly two types of wastes- Biodegradable and non-biodegradable. Biodegradable wastes can easily mix with soil whereas non-biodegradable wastes do not mix with soil. Plastic is the best example of non-biodegradable waste. The plastic and its related products do not mix with soil. So we need to convert it again in a reusable form to safeguard soil and animal which eat it because of its hunger. It will better if we reduce the use of plastic products. Recent human lifestyle practice shows that for certain food products its use is still unavoidable e.g. sweets, curd, junk food etc. In many countries including India use of thin plastic bags are banned. But it is not completely discarded by our society. We have to work out more in this direction to check land pollution. We have to reduce the use of pollutants of our daily use.

There are other options of using cloth, newspaper and jute bags to replace plastic bags. But care should be taken to recycle newspaper otherwise it will badly impact trees. Recycle (or Recycling) is only possible with the study of waste management.  I think waste management is the today's utmost demand that will save the Earth and generate employment.  It is not simple and easy to make win-win situation for waste management and employment generation. But we all need to do much research in this direction. There must be new course in higher level in Engineering and management to boost this as a trade. Social engineering is to be counted upon at highest level in professional course. Government has to invest higher percentage of the yearly budget to generate employment in this field and thus to make this branch of study lucrative. Then propensity towards waste management will automatically catch the height.

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