English, asked by snehahogade5478, 1 year ago

Write an essay on river clean in about 200 words to 300


Answered by ssa9422370088


Water is the most important need of the life on the earth. It makes possible the possibility of any forms of life here and their existence. It maintains the ecological balance in the biosphere. Clean water is very necessary for fulfilling the purpose of drinking, bathing, washing, power generation, irrigation of crops, disposal of sewage, manufacturing processes and many more. Increasing human population causes rapid industrialization and unplanned urbanization which are releasing lots wastes into the small and large water bodies which ultimately degrades the quality of water. The mixing of such pollutants directly and continuously into the water bodies decreases the self purifying capacity of the water by declining the ozone (which kills harmful microorganisms) available in the water.

Contamination of water deteriorates the chemical, physical, and biological characteristics of the water which is very harmful to the human beings, animals and plants all over the world. Most of the important animals and plants species have been lost because of the water contamination. It is a global issue affecting the lives in both developed and developing countries. Whole water is getting polluted to a great level because mining, agriculture, fisheries, stockbreeding, various industries, urban human activities, urbanization, increasing number of manufacturing industries, domestic sewage, etc.

There are many sources of the water pollution (point source and nonpoint or diffused source) depending on the specificity of waste materials discharged from various sources. Point sources includes pipelines, ditches, sewers, etc from industries, sewage treatment plants, landfills, hazardous waste sites, leakage from oil storage tanks which discharges wastes directly into the water bodies. Diffused sources of the water pollution are agricultural fields, live-stock feed lots, parking lot and streets into surface water, storm runoff from urban streets, etc which pours their discharged pollutants over the larger areas water bodies. Non-point source pollution contributes highly to the water pollution which is very difficult and expensive to control.


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