write an essay on Save oil(at least 3 pages)
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We live in age of energy crisis. Oil is one of the major sources of energy that we use. It is a fact known to all of us that oil is not going to last much longer. Therefore we must use it carefully and wisely without wasting even a drop of it. There are many ways in which we can save oil. Avoid using personal vehicles as far as possible. Use a common vehicle to commute. This can be easily done by car pools. Walk or ride a bicycle for short distance. The gas burner in the kitchen should be turned off when it is not being used. Do not keep the dishes immediately on the stove after taking out from the refrigerator. Let it come to the room temperature. Use only as much water as required while cooking dishes. More gas is consumed if there is more water. Maintain your vehicle in good condition so that it consumes less fuel. Also while driving, switch off when you have to wait for more than two minutes at the Red Lights. These are some of the ways to save oil and thus save energy.
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We live in age of energy crisis. Oil is one of the major sources of energy that we use. It is a fact known to all of us that oil is not going to last much longer. Therefore we must use it carefully and wisely without wasting even a drop of it. There are many ways in which we can save oil. Avoid using personal vehicles as far as possible. Use a common vehicle to commute. This can be easily done by car pools. Walk or ride a bicycle for short distance. The gas burner in the kitchen should be turned off when it is not being used. Do not keep the dishes immediately on the stove after taking out from the refrigerator. Let it come to the room temperature. Use only as much water as required while cooking dishes. More gas is consumed if there is more water. Maintain your vehicle in good condition so that it consumes less fuel. Also while driving, switch off when you have to wait for more than two minutes at the Red Lights. These are some of the ways to save oil and thus save energy
Fuel is a natural resource that produces useful energy when it undergoes a chemical or nuclear reaction. Coal, wood, oil, petrol or gas provides energy when burned so we consider them fuel. But as we all know fuel is not man made and it occurs only naturally so its judicious use is much more needed not for today but for future generation too. We do not need fuel only to run our vehicles only but it needs to run our life and better environment too. Fuel shortages keep occurring in the world from time to time. Most countries have to import fuel to meet their needs.
Fossil fuels like coal and oil and gas are nonrenewable resources. In other words, increasing usage depletes their presence within the earth. So there will come a time when they will no longer be available. The answer is to develop alternative and renewable sources or to use our natural resources judiciously. In spite of the development of non-conventional energy resources, the general populace is still apprehensive about their use along with natural oil and gas, chiefly because of their low energy value and inconvenience in using them.