English, asked by shad8546, 6 months ago

write an essay on social evils .(in 100 words)​


Answered by XxDangerousQueenxX


write an essay on social evils .(in 100 words)


A social evil is any action or consequence that is not in the public interest or which is anti-social and works against the development of society. Social evils cause damage to the society or its citizens in physical, emotional or cultural form. Terrorism would be an example of a social evil as would be prostitution , organized crime, alcoholism, pollution, dowry in any form or corruption.

Indian society is one of the oldest societies. It has got its own customs and traditions. Some of them are very old. They do not suit the present times. Times go on changing. We must also change our customs and traditions to keep pace with the times. Some of our customs are not only useless but are also obstacles in the way of social progress. It is, therefore, essential that they must be changed. The older must change giving place to the new; I will introduce the following social reforms, if ever I become the minister of social welfare.


Answered by VineetaGara

Below is a short essay on social evils :-

  • Some social issues include female foeticide, female infanticide, drug abuse, prostitution, child labour and child abuse.
  • Pandit Jawaharlal Nehru strongly believed, “It is science alone that can solve the problems of hunger and poverty, of insanitation and illiteracy, of superstition and deadening custom and tradition…”
  • To check all the issues, the first add the foremost step should be to educate people.
  • Government too has taken constructive measures like making primary education free and compulsory for children from 6 – 14 years and child labour has been banned.
  • ‘Sarva Shiksha Abhiyan’ is one such initiative.
  • Government has also taken steps to reduce poverty by small farmer’s development programme, drought area development programme, minimum needs programme, assurance on employment and many other developmental schemes.
  • A lot needs to be done to eradicate the shreds of a number of social evils still haunting our society.
  • The citizens should strictly follow the rules as considered in the Constitution and should not perform the nefarious acts like female foeticide, bride burning, dowry, racism, gender discrimination etc.
  • Youth, which is the strength of our nation, should strengthen the organisations having the agenda to eradicate these social problems in India by spreading awareness and by holding demonstrations.
  • Nothing can be done sufficiently until many people understand the problem and take actions to bring a revolutionary change. Or in Albert Einstein’s words

“The world is dangerous place to live, not because of the people who are evil but because of the people who don’t do anything about it.”


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