write an essay on technical gadgets have changed student's life
With the digitalization and increase in the usage of the internet, there has been a change in the type of education system. Internet and the use of the sources available in it are one of the main sources of getting all the required study material. Students now opt for studying mainly through the internet. It is much accessible as compared to the traditional form of learning. There is no limitation or boundary with respect to the time, place of content about learning in this process. It is true that in the coming future the way of studying and learning would not include the traditional student and teachers but would be basically internet oriented. Books and teachers stand on the verge of being replaced with the sources available on the internet. There are platforms on the internet too which gives opportunities to both the learners and the instructors.
In the world of growing technological advancements, we have succeeded in improving our lifestyle and way of living but has failed at many points. Though today we have the accessibility to everything but this has also encouraged the growth of theft. The presence of the internet and accessibility to it also makes theft easy. Copying things from the internet and claiming it to be theirs is one of the negative effects of technology. Creativity becomes vulnerable when technology serves as a medium of threat. Apart from serving a platform and defining a way to explore creativity, technology restricts the way of exploration.
Cyber crimes are the frauds, crimes and misleading activities which are done with the help of computer and internet devices. With the advancement of the internet there has been an increase in cyber crimes. India also stands to be a part of the world where cyber crimes are higher in number. Stealing information, copyright infringement, child pornography, unwarranted surveillance are some of the cyber crimes. in India the increase in such crimes has turned the public feel unsafe even in their enclosed room. The government has taken a step to keep an eye over such crimes and end them. Certain laws have been implemented to curb these crimes.