English, asked by rahulpatil3236, 2 months ago

write an essay on the following topic. The person who matters most to me in my life


Answered by s06a2264chanchala396


We all have been blessed with people in our lives that have impacted us in a positive way. That one person that has impacted my life and helped me become the person I am today is my father. Personally my father is an inspiration in all aspects of life. He is an amazing person and I am more than blessed to have had him as a father figure.

As a child my father was forced to do jobs that required hard labor. His father would make him get up at dawn before school to work for him. Once it got close to the time he had to go to school his dad would release him and expected him to come back to work after school. By the time he turned fifteen he decided to cross the border over to the United States. He was caught twice, but the third time he made it over. While in the U.S. he took any job he could in order to survive. The beginning of his journey in the states my father was living with his brothers along with some strangers that crossed with them. Eventually my dad made it to Nebraska and settled down in Madison. He then applied at IBP, which was later changed to Tyson, to work on the floor. During this time my biological father was training him on his new job. After a few years, he married my mother whom he had two kids with. They've been together for about seventeen years. To this day they are happily married.

My stepfather, Mario Esquivel, is the one person who stood out in my life. He came into my life when I was about two years old. Back then I was too young to understand adult things such

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