English, asked by koraniriya, 1 year ago

Write an essay on the joys and sorrows of being a teenager. 300 words atleast


Answered by smartyprince
The youth of today. The youth of the Nation. The face of tomorrow. Stereotyped by the media as young rebels, rebelling against constraints, rebelling against authority, rebelling against the powers that be. Simply put, rebels without a clue.Stepping into adolescence. Headed into the great wide open,where even sky isn’t the limit.I’m not saying that the life of a teenager is a hellhole. Only thing is, it’s about time the media stopped stereotyping each and every thirteen to nineteen year old.True, life as a teen brings with it its share deal of liberty, freedom and fun, and boy, do today’s teens know how to have fun! In fact, I think that today’s teens arethe luckiest in terms of the amount of freedom and independence they enjoy. But yes, greater freedom brings with it greater responsibilities, which today’s youth have learnt to balance.Today probably the highest and most rapidly growing category ofmobile phone users is that of teenagers. I wouldn’t be wrong inmy claim without a statistical backup that the maximum users of computers and the most active surfers on the net are teenagers. The marketing gurus of M.N.C.s realize this fact and what to pamper us. The spending power of today’s youth would have been something unimaginable a decade ago.But this power comes at a price of being able to excel. If today’s teens are the most pampered, they are also the ones under the most pressure in the entire teen history. One has got to be good at everything to be somebody. A teen is merely a percent. 90%, 92%, 95%. He’s known by his marks to the outside world and this constant demand to excel has started taking its toll on them.All in all, teens are once in a lifetime experience, and life, well life is a lesson, you’ll learn it when you’re through.
Answered by DhrubaBaruatheGamer
People who are nostalgic about childhood, were obviously never children. Few people can remember the truth about adolescence. Their minds "censor" their memories; and have them believe that being a teenager was was one big party, free of cares and responsibilities. Well let me say this, you couldnOt be more wrong if you had a lobotomy. There aren't that many adults around who realise what adolescence was really like. The anguish, the fear, the anxiety, the stress. People don't remember those problems because they want to forget them.

The truth of the matter is, is that being a teenager is hard, right from the beginning, and it doesn't get any easier.There are thousands of poems floating around written by bitter or depressed teenagers that are never recognised as works of art. Another form of escape for teenagers is, unfortunately, suicide. It is alarming how high the teen suicide rates have risen over the past decade. Yet, it is comforting that there are support groups and counsellors available now to aid teens through their troubles. Because no one wants to see a life full of promise and potential end abruptly because of a little sorrow in one kid's life. Another reason for teen suicide is their home life. The teenager gets caught in the middle of an argument between their parents, and they take the blame personally. This is not right. Sometimes the child is beaten or abused and is forced to run away into the streets, where they become homeless, and sometimes abducted. Sometimes they just die in a back alley during a cold winterOs night, and they are never missed. At sixteen, a teenager knows about suffering, because he himself has suffered, but he barely knows that other beings also suffer.
Although, some teenagers face their problems. They plod along through school. Some of them get after-school or weekend jobs. They learn responsibility. Eventually, they enter adulthood and the work force. Successful, confident, and eager to work. They lead their lives using the knowledge they swallowed throughout their education and the power they gained.

Nobody’s ever seen an adult do anything reckless because they always worry about what other people will say. But teenagers can do whatever they want without anyone holding them responsible for it, because, after all, they are teenagers! Being in love with people they have never met. Celebrity fever is the most enjoyable part of being a teenager. Idolising someone you barely know. They even have names to describe us according to our obsession – Directioners. Beliebers. Twerds. Creating twitter accounts just so you can stalk your favourite celebrity. Stalking is a natural part of teen life and twitter accounts help us stay informed about the celeb buzz. Looking ugly at home and loving it. Being fashion conscious while in public, we enjoy our private time at home wearing mismatched things, as long as they are comfortable.
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