English, asked by litacuttack174, 7 months ago

Write an Essay on the topic: "A Delibrate Lie". Please send Genuine essays within 350 words. The essay should be sensible. Please no spamming!!!​


Answered by razieng99


Lying is to speak falsely with intent to deceive. Many individuals get caught out lying, whether the lie may be big or small. Everyone lies, no matter how honest they may seem. It is unavoidable in human nature. Journalists are commonly known for lying or bending the truth to get more viewers and to engage the audience. This essay will discuss how journalists have lied about their experiences and how they reacted when they were caught out.

Lying about an experience that occurred is bad enough, but when an individual has to admit that they lied on live TV makes it even worse. Brian Williams was caught lying about his experience in the Iraq war. “The story actually started with a terrible moment a dozen years back during the invasion of…show more content…

The New York Times was deeply apologetic about his false statements and had started to retract all the 673 stories that Blair had published during his four years. These lies not only bring a bad impression Blair himself, but they also put give the newspaper a bad reputation, as it means the readers will lose trust in the newspaper as they think there may be more others lies that have been told, but not uncovered. Blair himself denied helping the Times in its investigation (“New York Times in Shock as Reporter's Lies Are Uncovered”). This suggests that Blair is ashamed of his actions and that he doesn’t want to help as he doesn’t want the public to find out the extent of his lies. He used a mobile phone and a laptop to obscure his true whereabouts and he would look at the photographs on the paper's database to gather shading for stories that he would then compose as though he had been at the scene (“New York Times in Shock as Reporter's Lies Are Uncovered”). Finally, there is Stephen Glass. Glass was found to have lied about his experiences as a telephone psychic and this was published in an article in the Harper’s magazine. "I fabricated interviews about this story. I engaged in egregious misconduct. This story should not be relied upon in any way" (Hiltzik, 10). This shows that Glass feels bad about his lies and the influence it can have on others. He sounds truly apologetic and he even retracted the entire article. Although some online

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