write an essay on the topic "current relevance of preamble of indian constitution"
(1000 words)
The preamble plays a very important role in shaping the destiny of the country. The preamble gives a brief idea to the makers of the constitution so that the constituent assembly make plans and formulates the constitution. ... The country should be “Sovereign, Socialist, Secular, Democratic, Republic”.
Essay # 1. Introduction to the Preamble of the Constitution:
The Constitution of India is prefaced with a Preamble which is supposed to reflect the thinking and ideology of constitution itself and view point of its makers. It is, however, not an integral part of the main document and as such not subject to judicial review. But at the same time it occupies a pivotal position in the interpretation or classification of any vagueness in the constitution.
It is thus key to the constitution. It also indicates the or not.”
Essay # 2. statute itself.
About preamble Shukla says, “It is neither regarded as a source of any substantive governmental power nor by itself alone it inputs any limitations on the exercise of powers nor expressly or impliedly prohibited by the constitution.’ In the world there are many constitutions which do not have any preamble. All that can be said is that preamble gives the constitution greater dignity.
- The preamble of Indian constitution, however, not only reflects basic character of the State but also specifies at me length purposes and objectives of the constitution. Though not ws the general purpose behind the several provisions of the constitution but, nevertheless, it