English, asked by kakalib804, 10 months ago

write an essay

on the topic hygienic

fight any diseases​


Answered by pksrao987


hope i was able to help you . please mark as the brainliest.


his innocent-sounding rhyme is actually a capsule of wisdom. It tells us exactly what must be done to enjoy a healthy and happy life. The key to happiness is good health which can only be created by positive practices of good hygiene. Health is actually wealth.

Health refers to a state physical existence. It denotes a sound mind and a physically fit body not afflicted by any disability, disease or ailment. Thus health refers to the physical, emotional and mental wholesomeness of a human being.Personal Hygiene

Personal hygiene refers to the practice of keeping the body of an individual clean and free from germs so as to enable a healthy and disease – free life. It can be inculcated in several ways.

Clean drinking water

People in villages often bathe, and wash clothes, utensils and their livestock in tanks, ponds and wells. Then they use the same water from another part of the same water body for drinking and store this in earthen pitchers.

If this water is used for drinking purposes, it may cause fatal diseases. For drinking one must use, clean or boiled water or water to which some drops of purifying agent has been added. In this way one can avoid water-borne diseases and maintain health and hygiene…Regular and Nutritious Meals

Food gives our body strength and also nutrition. It produces energy in us. Thus the food we eat must be wholesome and beneficial. Fruits, vegetables and dry food items should be washed and cleaned whereas raw meat and other food items washed and cooked well before eating.

A combination of various food groups is the best diet for us. Meals should be taken at fixed times and in fixed quantities. Over-eating causes many diseases as also does under-consumption of food.


It is a famous saying that cleanliness is next to godliness. Cleanliness is the most important practice to ensure good health. Dirt spreads diseases, because germs grow and live in it.

Clean clothes and a clean body repel germs and add to overall good health. Daily bathing is compulsory for good health as is a regular change of clothes to avoid fungal infections caused by sweat.Importance of good health and hygiene

The key to healthy mind is a fit body. Thus personal health and hygiene is extremely important for an individual as well as a whole society. A person who practices good habits of hygiene will not just achieve good health himself but will impart the same habits to successive generations.

When many such individuals collectively practice the habits of good personal hygiene their society shall be benefited from it and he country will become healthy and disease free. Life expectancy will increase. Growth and development will be facilitated and achieved. There will then be a complete sense of wellness.

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