English, asked by nakhdjriabakh9a, 1 year ago

Write an essay on the topic 'my favourite season'


Answered by Angryhoney98
Choosing a favorite season would be difficult because they are all special to me. They each have something to offer and are unique in every way. Winter is one of my favorites because it is so beautiful to see everything covered with a white sheet of snow. It also cools you down from all the heat left from the summer and into the fall. You have fun with your family making snow angels and have snowball fights. Spring is a good season because it is between winter and summer, temperatures are not too cold and not to hot. You are comfortable wearing a light jacket outside instead of a heavy warm coat. You can walk and smell the flowers beginning to flourish. The birds start chirping early in the morning. It lets you know that summer is near and so is summer vacation. Summer is great because it’s time to hang up your shoes and relax. There is no more school and you can go to sleep late and wake up late. Relatives visit or you can visit them. You can also do some traveling and explore new places. Relaxing in the pool on a floating lounge chair enjoying cold lemonade is the ultimate experience. Autumn is also a great season because of all the colorful leaves falling even though they are a hassle to pick up, especially in the pools. You can have fun walking with friends and admiring the different shades of colors on the leaves. The different colors warm your soul. Autumn is such a calm season. The leaves turn beautiful tones of yellow, orange, and red. Everyone is starting over with a new class, a new teacher, and some new friends. When you drive by the neighborhoods you notice that families are all gathered in some kind of celebration. You get such a warm feeling. It’s such a peaceful time. Now you know why I cannot choose one of the seasons. All of them are special in every way. I love them all. I’m just glad I get to enjoy every single one.
Answered by Anonymous

My Favorite Season.


There are four seasons in India. They are summer, rains, winter and spring. Every season has its own charm and beauty. During summer, the sun is very hot. Roads become dry and dusty. The rainy season gives life to the burning earth. The wind is very cold during winter. So all these seasons create some problems for us.

Spring season -

I like the spring season most. Poets have sung many songs about the beauty of this season. The morning is pleasant. The noon is soothing. The evening is cool and calm. The night is comfortable. Birds are singing. The sky is clear and the wind is refreshing. Every object of Nature looks very beautiful flowers bloom. New leaves come out of trees.

Important for farmers-

The spring season is important for farmers Crops ripen in the fields. Farmers store wheat and barley at home. Everybody feels a sense of joy and happiness. Besides, spring is a season of festivals for Hindus. Holi is a festival of eating and playing with colours. People enjoy.it most. Holi adds glory to the spring season..

Season of joy-

Spring is the season of joy. There are green plants.in the fields. The earth looks green with its plants and flowers. Spring is neither hot nor cold. It is very good for health. The cuckoo is mad with joy in this season. There is no cold wind. Days and nights are neither too long.nor too short. I hate the cold wind of winter. I do not like the hot sun of summer. I dislike mud and dirt caused by the rains. So spring is my favourite.season.


The beauty of spring makes us forget our sorrows. Its music thrills our ears. Its beauty pleases our eyes. Its freshness kills our cares. Spring is also called "Bahar". It has been the basis of romantic poetry. In this season the peace speaks and beauty gets youngage. So spring is

the most popular season in India. I like it most.

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