English, asked by sq792506, 10 months ago

Write an essay on the topic of " Protection of Wildlife".​


Answered by skmishra1457


India is a good example where several steps have been taken for wildlife conservation. It is a country of varied wildlife, where more than 500 types of wild animals, 2,100 types of birds and about 20,000 types of reptiles and fishes have been found. According to an estimate, in India, about 200 species of wild animals and birds have already become extinct and another 2,500 are on the verge of extinction.

Some of them are black buck, chinkara, wolf, swamp deer, nilgai, Indian gazelle, antelope, tiger, rhinoceros, gir lion, crocodile, flamingo, pelican, bustard, white crane, grey heron, mountain quail, etc. In India, the government and NGOs are taking keen interest in the protection of wildlife. The Wild Life Protection Act, 1972 has several provisions for the conservation of wildlife.

As many as 165 game sanctuaries and 21 national parks have been developed to protect the natural habitat and wild animals. Apart from this, a Wild Life Conservation Week is also celebrated from 7th of October every year. But still there is a long way to go in this direction.


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Answered by Falgunibhowmij02


Wildlife, nature’s gift to mankind, is continuously helping in maintaining the ecological balance of the earth. But, due to some human activities like mass killing of wild animals for their teeth, bones, fur, skin etc along with population growth and expansion of agriculture field reduces the number of wild animals and many species of wild animals have become extinct.

Wildlife conservation is a process of protecting all the wild plant and animal species with their habitat. As we know, every living creature in this earth contribute to the ecosystem in their own special way, wildlife conservation has become one of the most important tasks for mankind.

There are mainly two types of wildlife conservation, namely “in situ conservation” and “ex-situ conservation”. 1st type of wildlife conservation includes programs like National Parks, Biological Reserves etc and the 2nd type includes programs like Zoo, Botanical Garden etc.

Hunting of wild animals and capturing of wildlife must be banned by the government by imposing strict laws in order to succeed in Wildlife Conservation. Moreover, restrictions on importing and exporting of wildlife products must be banned to get a faster result in wildlife conservation.

Conclusion to wildlife essay: – It is high time to save/protect wildlife for their future existence. Besides the govt. laws, both govt. and non-govt. organizations should take strict steps for the conservation of wildlife. Along with the govt. efforts, awareness, and cooperation of people are needed for the conservation of wildlife in India. People need to know the importance of these valuable natural resources. Wildlife is an integral part of our national heritage. Thus we should protect wildlife for our future generation.


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