Write an essay on the topic - "Role of Saprophytes in Ecosystem" in not less than 2 Pages.Mention the key points like:
Role as decomposers
Recycling nutrients
Ecological balance
Energy flow
Write an essay on the topic - "Role of Saprophytes in Ecosystem" in not less than 2 Pages.Mention the key points like:
Role as decomposers
Recycling nutrients
Ecological balance
Energy flow
Role of Saprophytes in Ecosystem
Saprophytes are the living organisms that live and feed on dead and decaying organisms. Examples of Saprophytes are:- Mucor, Yeast, Penicillium etc. They are considered extremely important in soil biology. Mucor, also known as mould, is a saprophytic fungus that grows on decayed organic matter, especially those that are rich in carbohydrates. Mucor is majorly found on stale bread, vegetables and dung. It reproduces by sexual and asexual means. Yeast is commonly found on sugary substances. It is present in grape juice, flower nectar, and vineyards, in large amounts. It reproduces by budding under favourable conditions. Penicillium grows on the decayed matter such as bread, jam, jellies, fruits, vegetables and also on damp leather and shoes. Saprophytes live on decaying vegetation such as leaves, sticks and logs. They can be found throughout the environment. Saprophyte is derived from two words, sapro- rotten, phyton-plants. Saprophytes secrete digestive juices and convert it into a solution.
They are considered extremely important in soil biology. They break down the complex organic matter into simpler substances that are taken up by the plants for various metabolic activities. Thus, saprophytes play a significant role in the ecosystem. Fungi and a few bacteria are saprophytes. Saprophytes are useful in breaking down decomposes or dead organic matter into simpler particles which are easily recyclable by plants. The role they play in balancing the entire ecosystem makes them an integral part of soil biology. They are considered extremely important in soil biology. They break down the complex organic matter into simpler substances that are taken up by the plants for various metabolic activities. Thus, saprophytes play a significant role in the ecosystem. Fungi and a few bacteria are saprophytes. Saprophytes are heterotrophic. They are responsible for breaking down decomposed or decaying substances into simple organic substances which later on are fed on by plants. They derive their source of food and energy by going on living fungi or any other parasitic living form. Thus they help in energy flow. Saprophytes have certain characteristic features:
(i) They produce filaments.
(ii) They are devoid of leaves, roots and stem.
(iii)They cannot perform photosynthesis and are heterotrophs.
(iv) They can produce spores.
The saprophytes secrete digestive juices and breakdown the organic matter around them. The fungi grow tubular structures known as hyphae that branch into the dead matter and produce digestive enzymes.
Saprophytes are decomposers since they feed on the dead and decaying matter. Suitable conditions are required for the optimum growth of saprophytes. If they have access to sufficient water, they grow well. Saprophytes do not thrive under alkaline conditions. They grow well in neutral or slightly acidic soil. There must usually be oxygen present as the majority of saprophytes cannot grow under anaerobic conditions.