write an essay on the usages of political theory? (500 words)
Political Theory is the study of topics like the politics, liberty, justice, property, rights, law, and the enforcement of laws by authority and duties of citizens of the particlular country. what they are, why (or even if) they are needed, what, if anything, makes a government legitimate, what rights and freedoms it should protect for their better living in the society etc.
A Political Theory is not necessarily based on true facts. It is a way of examining the data available and seeing if it could result in an envisioned outcome which could be helpful for the people.
Take communism as envisioned by Marx. Marx started his theory by first stating that there was no God, no greater power, no creator. From this statement of Marx, he then had to work out how life came into being.
His conclusion was that it evolved from force and chaos. The ultimate conclusion that he came to is that force and chaos .The evolution led to the life come into existence and have to be controlled by force.
The Political theory ensures that the view point of every group of people are kept in consideration while making decisions for them. This led to farmation of political parties, the democratic government by which people rule themselves and they know how to rule on themselves in better way.
Political theory show how people of particular political party think. It is important to study Political theory because it allows us to understand and think about the views and doings of other people.
evaluation of political theory