English, asked by Satyamrajput, 10 months ago

Write an essay on Try,try and try until you succeed.

Word's limit => 200-250

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Answered by ImMrGenius


How seriously should you follow the saying ‘Try Try till you succeed’?

An age old saying tells us to ‘try try till we get success in whatever we were attempting’. So, we should probably forget every other thing and just keep on trying to do that. We should not let a failure become hindrance in our efforts. We should move on, learning from our failures and doing better than before.

But till what time should we continue trying? The thought, like most economics theories, was made making reasonable assumptions of our lives. But in real life, our resources are limited and so are our options. We can’t just keep on trying without having money to try and without having food to feed to everyone in our house.

Any thought, you say it, isn’t a Rule of Thumb. It should never be blindly followed, no matter what. We should always keep our eyes open to see the world practically.


Recently, results were declared for many educational exams, and while some may have soared into success, other might not have been that lucky.

The next big question that haunts them is- “Shall they try one more time?”. This question troubles almost every one who faces failure in their life. While it may seem obvious, the decision to try one more time is not so simple to take.

Apart from other social “burden” like family, marriage, society and comparison with others would harass us all the time, we need to think clear and ask ourselves- “Will my trying one more time, and the probable success worth the try and time?” “Or can I make something better out of the time and energy that I save from not trying one more time?”

A thorough analysis before answering these questions would definitely help taking better decisions than just following the saying ‘Try try…’ In my understanding, try try… signify that we keep on trying to do something good out of our efforts, and not to keep on trying on the same option that we were working on. Sometimes, our failure is just another opportunity to find some other opportunity. The only problem is we need to realize that and take a step, in another direction may be. You must hit a goal in Football, not necessarily from the same spot you failed to do last time.

So, people who have failed in their last attempt to something, do not just take one more try. Analyse your options, and quantify the cost & benefits of trying one more time. Take try try as a motivation to get up after each fall, but don’t keep on walking the same road if you don’t like it. There are many roads to walk on, even some yet not made, may be by you in future…


Success does not come in the first attempt. We have to try and try until we succeed. No one has an unbroken series of successes. On the other hand, everyone has faced several failures. It is only through failures that we can succeed, and we have to try again without giving up hope. Failure is not uncommon. We should not get disappointed when we meet with failure. Every failure will have something to teach us also. Those who are aware of these facts, and act accordingly will realize that failures are the stepping stones to success. It is foolish to give up effort and weep when we fail in our attempt. Instead, we must try again. The lessons we learn from our failures will help us to do better or even succeed in later attempts. None of man’s creations has been made at the first attempt. Inventors, explorers, artists, writers and scientists did not become great through their first attempts in their respective fields. Even today, man is trying to learn more about nature, space and the universe. We hear only the story of man’s achievements in various fields. We do not know about the failures he met with, we learn that he did not let failure discourage him. Often, children may fail in the examinations or in any other attempt. They should not give up their effort then. Failures will teach them and will equip them for a better effort. The world around us is what it is today because our forefathers did not give up their attempts when they failed. So we must try and try again till we succeed.

Answered by vikram991


It’s never over till you give up… so never give up! You would have heard the quote “Nothing succeeds like success” add “Try…try till you succeed” to this and you have just brewed the perfect formula for unstoppable success. And believe me when I tell you, it holds true every time you attempt to succeed.

An outstanding quality of a winner is the power to hold on despite the most adverse circumstances. Sure, you are going to fail a lot. Not every endeavour is going to be successful the first time. Some might take forever to succeed. But the secret is to never give up. A winner is not a person who does not fail but, it is he who rises up every time he fails and tries again.

Don’t ever give up trying. Be stubbornly persistent. Remember that these ceaseless efforts will eventually help you overcome your obstacles. You will need to take pains to be persistent. Every little detail needs to be taken care of. You have to do everything and do it right to reach your goal

Failure is the stepping stones to success.

- One must never give up hope and effort.

- Determination and the courage to face opposition and challenges are essential for the growth and maturity of an individual.

- There is no easy road to success

- Obstacles are necessary impediments and failures allow us to be more mature and practical.

- Failure keeps us grounded and closer to reality.

- The person who picks himself up and continues his quest for success is sure to achieve his goal.

- 'Try, try, try till you succeed!'

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