Write an essay on what is enjoyment.
Living is an art. It is the most complicated art and is based upon the scientific application of the good principles of living, which govern the behaviour and attitude of a human being. Life to some is just an empty dream and to others it is a zeal, pleasure and duty. Some live for enjoyment. They would like to eat, drink and be merry without caring for tomorrow, which they think may not come. For them, life is not a serious journey through ordeals. It is a light comedy. In actual life, however, there are very few who enjoy so easily, for life is not just a bed of roses. It has many thorns around. It is a comedy as well as a tragedy at the same time. Both these facts of life are to be faced as they come and go.
The Hindu religion, which believes in karma and rebirth, proclaims that it is rare to be born as a human being and rarer still to be free of deformities and illness. It is because of the good or noble deeds performed in earlier births and also owing to grace of God that an individual is born as a human being with good health. Having attained this rare gift of being born a normal human being what should one do with his life ? The preposition—”The principal business of life is to enjoy it”—on the face of it, appears to be sound and nice. But difficulties arise when one attempts to define the word “enjoyment”.