Write an essay on your learning methods before and after the quarantine.
you did something ambitious as a result of quarantine, do not hesitate to write about it. For example, if you took the time to learn a new language or enrolled in a machine learning course, describe that experience and what you gained from it.For those who are hoping to share their experiences with COVID-19, the Common App and Coalition App recently added an optional essay section to address the topic. Students applying through the Common App have 250 words to discuss the impact of the pandemic, while the Coalition App's section is limited to 300 words.n addition to providing students with a space to describe how COVID-19 affected them, the main purpose of adding this prompt is to allow students to use the rest of their application to write about topics beyond COVID-19.As such, apart from a few exceptions, we recommend students use the COVID-19 section, rather than their personal statement, to address the topic.The Common App PromptCommunity disruptions such as COVID-19 and natural disasters can have deep and long-lasting impacts. If you need it, this space is yours todescribe those impacts. Colleges care about the effects on your health andwell-being,safety,familycircumstances,futureplans,andeducation, including access to reliable technology and quiet studyspaces.