Write an essay showing comparison and contrast between modern and old means of transportation by using the connectives of comparison and contrast
Means of transport:
Whenever you plan to go on a trip with family or your friends, you have to decide which means of transport you are going to choose for the trip. The earliest means of transport for humans was walking. But the evolution of the spinning wheel and the invention of carts changed the world from the perspective of means of transport.
Old means of transportation:
In the earlier 15th century when the carts were invented, they become the primary means of transportation for merchants, public servants and normal people who can afford a cart. Later, with the invention of motor and diesel engines, the concept of motor cars started making further revolutions in the field of transportation. After the invention of four-wheelers, two-wheelers also came into the limelight because they use comparatively lesser fuel in transportation and also occupy less space.
Modern means of transport:
In today's world, we have a variety of automobiles used as daily means of transportation. We have electric vehicles which are free from carbon emissions and are much more efficient than fuel engine vehicles because the charging price is lesser than the fuel price. Most of us use auto riksha for daily travelling to avoid parking problems. So we can say that travelling in the present has become much more easy and cheap than in older times.
However, we can still make further efforts to upbringing the efficiency of means of transportation by using more and more electric vehicles which in turn saves our planet from pollution by carbon emission.
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