Science, asked by pathanmahezabin75, 17 hours ago

Write an experiment to show the process by which crystals of copper sulphate can be obtained from its concentrated solution.
Please write proper step by step instructions.​


Answered by tanishka141010
Reagents and equip­ment:
cop­per(II) sul­fate pen­tahy­drate (70 g);
hot wa­ter (100 ml);
plas­tic twine;
fun­nel with cot­ton wool;
Step-by-step in­struc­tions
Sprin­kle cop­per(II) sul­fate pen­tahy­drate into a beaker and pour hot wa­ter over it. Stir thor­ough­ly for 10-15 min­utes. In this way, we make a sat­u­rat­ed so­lu­tion. Re­move the re­main­ing crys­tals and dust from the so­lu­tion us­ing the fun­nel with cot­ton wool. Cov­er the so­lu­tion with foil and leave in a dark place for 24 hours.

Then pour the so­lu­tion into an­oth­er beaker and take out the crys­tals that have formed. It’s im­por­tant to choose a crys­tal with the right form, with­out cracks and oth­er de­fects. Tie twine around the crys­tal and im­merse it in the so­lu­tion we made pre­vi­ous­ly, so that the crys­tal does not touch the walls of the beaker. Cov­er with foil and put in a dark place. Af­ter a month a large crys­tal will grow on the twine!

Pro­cess­es de­scrip­tion
In a sat­u­rat­ed so­lu­tion, the sub­stance is at max­i­mum con­cen­tra­tion and does not dis­solve fur­ther at the giv­en tem­per­a­ture. At room tem­per­a­ture (25 °С, 77 °F), the sol­u­bil­i­ty of cop­per(II) sul­fate pen­tahy­drate in wa­ter is around 35 g/100 g of wa­ter. When heat­ed to 90 °С (194 °F), sol­u­bil­i­ty in­crease to 100 g/100 g of wa­ter.

So when it cools the so­lu­tion be­comes sat­u­rat­ed, i.e. more of the sub­stance is dis­solved in it at the giv­en tem­per­a­ture. As a re­sult, the “sur­plus sub­stance”–cop­per(II) sul­fate pen­tahy­drate in our case – pre­cip­i­tates in the form of crys­tals, and the so­lu­tion once more be­comes sat­u­rat­ed. If you place a crys­tal in this so­lu­tion, it will not dis­solve, but be­come cov­ered with ions of the dis­solved salt.

Plz mark me as brainliest and give a heart or thanks
Answered by annie7032


above one is right i accept

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