write an explanatory notes on big bang theory . class 11 geography
The most popular argument regarding the origin of the universe is the Big Bang Theory. It is also called expanding universe hypothesis.
The Big Bang Theory considers the following stages in the development of the universe.
(i) In the beginning, all matter forming the universe existed in one place in the form of a “tiny ball” (singular atom) with an unimaginably small volume, infinite temperature and infinite density.
(ii) At the Big Bang the “tiny ball” exploded violently. This led to a huge expansion. It is now generally accepted that the event of big bang took place 13.7 billion years before the present. The expansion continues even to the present day. As it grew, some energy was converted into matter. There was particularly rapid expansion within fractions of a second after the bang. Thereafter, the expansion has slowed down. Within first three minutes from the Big Bang event, the first atom began to form.
(iii) Within 300,000 years from the Big Bang, temperature dropped to 4,500K and gave rise to atomic matter. The universe became transparent.
Big Bang theory:
- The Big Bang is the term by the physicists used from the very early stages till now it is used modern-day for the universe's most famous concept and creation.
- The universe began as a super force of nature that was very hot, small, and dense (the mixture of the four fundamental and existing forces on earth), with no stars, atoms, structure (called "singularity").
- The stars and galaxies began to form the hydrogen. After billions of years, the Planet (and us) evolved from the atoms produced by stars-at some stage in the last 13.8 billion years, every molecule in your body more complicated than hydrogen has been created by a sun.
- The Universe has continued to expand in all this time and is still expanding.
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What is big bang theory?
Explain in 200 words about Big bang theory