Computer Science, asked by sakshi6397, 9 months ago

write an HTML document webpage in which list out all the different type of communication explain its topic use tag like H1 H6 B U 0l and UL


Answered by anshubhardwaj594

Hi let me first show you the basis page code of Html







This the basis structure of Html know let me explain you what is the meaning of <> & </> sigh so <> mean whenever you start any tag like body you do like this <body> am I right and when you have to Close any tag you have to add this / sigh to close it like this </body know your question is what is H1 and J6 tag let me explain you this first this tag mainly used to add heading in your Web page note Hi tags are from H1 to H6 biggest one is H1 and smallest one is H6 here is example



This will display

Hi ( Hi will display in bigger word )

And know what is B and U

Tag be stand for Bold and U stand for Underline

Like this

<b>hi <b/>


Know what is Ol and Ul

Ol stand for orderd list


Ul stand for unodered list

These tag help you to write Any thing in points

Like this

1. OL tags


<li>123 </li>

<li>1234 </li>

<li>12344 </li>


This code will display this in Web page

1. 123


3. 12345

Note in latest version of HTML 5 Ul tag is removed

Hope this will help you

Answered by An6267Ku


write an HTML document webpage in which list out all the different type of communication explain its topic use tag like H1 H6 B U 0l and UL


Hi let me first show you the basis page

code of Html







This the basis structure of Html know let me explain you what is the meaning of

>>> &</> sigh so >> mean whenever you start any tag like body you do like this <body> am I right and when you have to Close any tag you have to add this / sigh to close it like this </body know your question is what is H1 and J6 tag let me explain you this first this tag mainly used to add heading in your Web page note Hi tags are from H1 to H6 biggest one is H1 and smallest one is H6 here is example



This will display

Hi (Hi will display in bigger word)

And know what is B and U Tag be stand for Bold and U stand for


Like this

<b>hi <b/>


Know what is Ol and UI Ol stand for orderd list


Ul stand for unodered list

These tag help you to write Any thing in


Like this

1. OL tags


<li>123 </li>

<li>1234 </li>

<li>12344 </li>

</ol> This code will display this in Web page

1. 123 2.1234

3. 12345

Note in latest version of HTML 5 Ul tag is


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