Write an imaginary conversation between two friends on the necessity of banning the practice of snake charming in your country with valid reasons.
Snake charming is the practice of appearing to hypnotize a snake (often a cobra) by playing and waving around an instrument
The answer to the given question is written below.
Friend 1: Hey! What's up?
Friend 2: Hey! Nothing just thinking about the banning of snake charming in our country.
Friend 1: Yeah, It's a valid point as it is found that they are linked with many poachers who kill snakes and sell their skins to make money.
Friend 2: Right. Also many species are endangered due to these practices. We do not want them to add in the league.
Friend 1: They are free to live their lives. We cannot bind them for a certain purpose and them for our selfish deeds.
Friend 2: True, Mate! We should ban these practices and imprison those who are engaged in these.