write an imaginary interview on two children who belong to deprived family and are child labours.
Tanzania ratified Convention on the Rights of the Child 1991, but still 32 per cent of the
Tanzanian children estimate to be involved in child labour. Why children work, the work they
most commonly do, and under the conditions which they work differ regionally. This study
aims to find the underlying causes behind child labour among boys in Babati Town, both from
the researcher’s - and the children’s own perspective. The study was accomplished through a
qualitative case study in Babati Town and the data were gathered through semi-structured
interviews, primarily with the child labourers’ themselves to get the right child perspective.
The data from the interviews was analyzed according to four chosen theories of underlying
causes behind child labor with the purpose to see to what extent the findings of the study
correlate to the indicators outlined in each theory. The study found that indicators from each
theory correlating with the Babati case with poverty as the major underlying cause behind the
labouring. From the child labourer’s perspective was poverty the underlying cause for their
labouring. Poverty on its own was though, from the researcher’s perspective, found to be
insufficient to explain the prevalence of child labour. The problem of child labour is massive
due mainly widespread poverty but also due the social context and its traditions, insufficient
funding, school policies and inadequate implementing of important regulations as the
Convention on the Rights of the Child.