English, asked by sanstale1222, 9 months ago

Write an informative essay on a Greek mythical character. Your essay will use research to summarize the plot of the myth and explain the mythical character's cultural significance. The chosen topic is Cronus.


Answered by nia17


In Greek mythology Cronus was the son of Uranus (Heaven) and Gaea (Earth), being the youngest of the 12 Titans. On the advice of his mother he castrated his father with a harpē, thus separating Heaven from Earth. He now became the king of the Titans, and took for his consort his sister Rhea; she bore by him Hestia, Demeter, Hera, Hades, and Poseidon, all of whom he swallowed because his own parents had warned that he would be overthrown by his own child. When Zeus was born, however, Rhea hid him in Crete and trickedCronus into swallowing a stone instead. Zeus grew up, forced Cronus to disgorge his brothers and sisters, waged war on Cronus, and was victorious. After his defeat by Zeus, Cronus became, according to different versions of his story, either a prisoner in Tartarus or king in Elysium. According to one tradition, the period of Cronus’s rule was a golden age for mortals.in Greek religion, ancient goddess, probably pre-Hellenic in origin, who was worshipped sporadically throughout the Greek world. She was associated with fruitfulness and had affinities with Gaea (Earth) and the Great Mother of the Gods (also called Cybele). A daughter of Uranus (Heaven) and Gaea, Rhea was a Titan. She married her brother Cronus, who, warned that one of his children was fated to overthrow him, swallowed his children Hestia, Demeter, Hera, Hades, and Poseidon soon after they were born. Rhea concealed the birth of Zeus in a cave on Mount Dicte in Creteand gave Cronus a stone wrapped in swaddling clothes. This he swallowed in the belief that it was Zeus. Subsequently Cronus was vanquished by Zeus and was forced to disgorge the swallowed children.

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