Write an interactive program in c language to create an application program for a small office to maintain the employees database. this application should be having menu options like • creating a new record • reading/listing of records • modify the record • delete the record each employee record should have employee name, employee id, department name, salary, position, date of joining, etc). the application should be designed user-friendly.
That's a huge task
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/* * C Program to Create Employee Record and Update it */#include <stdio.h>#include <stdlib.h>#include <string.h>#define size 200 struct emp{ int id; char *name;}*emp1, *emp3; void display();void create();void update(); FILE *fp, *fp1;int count = 0; void main(int argc, char **argv){ int i, n, ch; printf("1] Create a Record\n"); printf("2] Display Records\n"); printf("3] Update Records\n"); printf("4] Exit"); while (1) { printf("\nEnter your choice : "); scanf("%d", &ch); switch (ch) { case 1: fp = fopen(argv[1], "a"); create(); break; case 2: fp1 = fopen(argv[1],"rb"); display(); break; case 3: fp1 = fopen(argv[1], "r+"); update(); break; case 4: exit(0); } }} /* To create an employee record */void create(){ int i; char *p; emp1 = (struct emp *)malloc(sizeof(struct emp)); emp1->name = (char *)malloc((size)*(sizeof(char))); printf("Enter name of employee : "); scanf(" %[^\n]s", emp1->name); printf("Enter emp id : "); scanf(" %d", &emp1->id); fwrite(&emp1->id, sizeof(emp1->id), 1, fp); fwrite(emp1->name, size, 1, fp); count++; // count to number of entries of records fclose(fp);} /* Display the records in the file */void display(){ emp3=(struct emp *)malloc(1*sizeof(struct emp)); emp3->name=(char *)malloc(size*sizeof(char)); int i = 1; if (fp1 == NULL) printf("\nFile not opened for reading"); while (i <= count) { fread(&emp3->id, sizeof(emp3->id), 1, fp1); fread(emp3->name, size, 1, fp1); printf("\n%d %s",emp3->id,emp3->name); i++; } fclose(fp1); free(emp3->name); free(emp3); } void update(){ int id, flag = 0, i = 1; char s[size]; if (fp1 == NULL) { printf("File cant be opened"); return; } printf("Enter employee id to update : "); scanf("%d", &id); emp3 = (struct emp *)malloc(1*sizeof(struct emp)); emp3->name=(char *)malloc(size*sizeof(char)); while(i<=count) { fread(&emp3->id, sizeof(emp3->id), 1, fp1); fread(emp3->name,size,1,fp1); if (id == emp3->id) { printf("Enter new name of emplyee to update : "); scanf(" %[^\n]s", s); fseek(fp1, -204L, SEEK_CUR); fwrite(&emp3->id, sizeof(emp3->id), 1, fp1); fwrite(s, size, 1, fp1); flag = 1; break; } i++; } if (flag != 1) { printf("No employee record found"); flag = 0; } fclose(fp1); free(emp3->name); /* to free allocated memory */ free(emp3);}
$ a.out emprec1 1] Create a Record 2] Display Records 3] Update Records 4] Exit Enter your choice : 1 Enter name of employee : aaa Enter emp id : 100 Enter your choice : 1 Enter name of employee : bbb Enter emp id : 200 Enter your choice : 1 Enter name of employee : ccc Enter emp id : 300 Enter your choice : 1 Enter name of employee : ddd Enter emp id : 400 Enter your choice : 1 Enter name of employee : eee Enter emp id : 500 Enter your choice : 2 100 aaa 200 bbb 300 ccc 400 ddd 500 eee Enter your choice : 3 Enter employee id to update : 300 Enter new name of emplyee to update : cdefgh Enter your choice : 2 100 aaa 200 bbb 300 cdefgh 400 ddd 500 eee Enter your choice : 4
$ a.out emprec1 1] Create a Record 2] Display Records 3] Update Records 4] Exit Enter your choice : 1 Enter name of employee : aaa Enter emp id : 100 Enter your choice : 1 Enter name of employee : bbb Enter emp id : 200 Enter your choice : 1 Enter name of employee : ccc Enter emp id : 300 Enter your choice : 1 Enter name of employee : ddd Enter emp id : 400 Enter your choice : 1 Enter name of employee : eee Enter emp id : 500 Enter your choice : 2 100 aaa 200 bbb 300 ccc 400 ddd 500 eee Enter your choice : 3 Enter employee id to update : 300 Enter new name of emplyee to update : cdefgh Enter your choice : 2 100 aaa 200 bbb 300 cdefgh 400 ddd 500 eee Enter your choice : 4
Answered by
Write an interactive program in c language to create an application program for a small office to maintain the employees database. this application should be having menu options like • creating a new record • reading/listing of records • modify the record • delete the record each employee record should have employee name, employee id, department name, salary, position, date of joining, etc). the application should be designed user-friendly.
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