Computer Science, asked by 1hulk, 1 year ago

Write an interactive program which prompts the user with the following options on the opening menu: 1) Student Information 2) Course Material Despatch Status 3) Fee Status (Paid or Due for Payment) 4) Time Table for Theory Counselling 5) Time Table for Practical Counselling 6) Assignment Submission Schedules 7) Change of the Correspondence Address 8) General Queries 9) Quit (40 Marks) Enter your choice: If an “1” is entered, prompt the student for the enrolment number and display the student information containing the details the semester he registered for, year of study, name of the programme, batch, duration details, name of the study centre, name of the regional centre, details regarding the fees s/he paid etc . If “2” is entered course material despatch status should be displayed whether it was sent or due for despatch. If “3” is entered fee status for the particular semester should be displayed. If “4” is entered, it should give the schedule for the theory counselling upon giving the batch number as input. . If “5” is entered, it should give the schedule for the practical counselling upon giving the batch number as input. If “6” is entered the assignment submission schedules need to be displayed. If “7” is entered it should display the present correspondence address and should prompt the user to enter the change in the same if any and the necessary file is to be updated with the revised address. If “8” is entered it should present the general frequently asked questions. If “9” is entered, it should exit from the program. If the user enters any letters or numbers other than the choice, redisplay the prompt. All output should go to the terminal and all input should come from the keyboar


Answered by mrcrook2341
it will look the same

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