English, asked by constantly, 9 months ago

Write an interpersonal dialogue between two friends (a wife and a single woman), in which they are debating the disadvantages and advantages of being either married or


Answered by upenderjoshi28


Married Friend: Hey, when are you getting married?

Single Friend: I am not in any hurry as I am very happy as single.  

Married Friend: How can you be happy? You have to cook your own food, wash your own clothes, and be lonely at home!

Single Friend: Do you mean getting your food cooked, clothes washed, and having company is happiness?  

Married Friend: No all these are not happiness. But human company does give happiness.  

Single Friend: I feel a single man enjoys more freedom than a married man; after marriage he becomes bound with so many unwanted responsibilities. One can’t pursue one’s ambition or interests.  

Married Friend: That’s true also. But I feel ambition and interests can be pursued even after being married.  

Single Friend: I feel happiness is a matter of attitude. I will try to change my views about marriage.  

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