English, asked by sandhyadixit58, 4 months ago

write an interview on a given topic

topic : you have an environment protection week celebration in your school. you have invited an environmentalist. your friend interviews him about how to save the environment.​


Answered by selliamman6872

Answer:Job interviews are nerve-wracking for any job seeker. Even if you spend hours preparing, you can never be certain you won’t be caught off-guard with a tough interview question — and it can be hard to know in advance whether you are a good fit for the company.

The best way to tackle preparation? Rehearse answering the questions on this list, since they're most likely to be the questions asked.

Common Questions You’ll Get in a Job Interview

1. "Would you like something to drink?"

Ok, this may sound like a silly job interview question and something more in line with common job interview etiquette than the substance of the interview itself, but experts say that when someone does something for you, they are actually slightly more positively inclined towards you.

It’s called the Ben Franklin effect: a person who has performed a favor for someone is more likely to do another favor for that person. So even if you’re not a thirsty job candidate that day, just take the water, for goodness sake!

2. "Tell me about yourself." or "What makes you unique?"

Despite how this open-ended question sounds, it is not literally an invitation to delve into an existential examination of your life before your interviewers. Especially not because this is a job interview question!

A good answer should focus on the fact that this is an elevator pitch opportunity and needs rehearsing. Be ready to wrap up your answer in 1 minute and focus on the positive summary of your skills, professional accomplishments, and personal experience that casts you in the most appealing light for the job. Talk about your promotions, highlight your successes and quantify your achievements.

One of the worst things you can do is drone on without realizing you are boring the other person or answering with details they aren’t interested in, so pay attention to non-verbal cues as you talk and be ready to adjust mid-way through if you need to.


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3. Why are you interested in the role?"

As a job seeker, the best way to answer this common interview question is to emphasize the merits and exciting aspects of the position itself to convey your enthusiasm, rather than a time to rehash how your background and work experience is a fit.

Think of it this way: Even if you’re the perfect fit, that’s what the rest of the interview is to demonstrate. This is the time when you get to demonstrate your enthusiasm about the work you’re about to do. Actually wanting to do a certain job counts for a lot.

4. "Why our company?"

This is one of the most common job interview questions. If you’re interviewing for a role that might be relatively ‘standard’ across many other companies, it’s actually a very good question — so it's a good idea to have a ready answer. It also is a test to see how much you understand about the larger context and employer, itself.

Think about the interviewer's perspective and about the company goals. This is a time to show that you understand the company’s mission, its values or something about its culture. Remember, you want to make the interviewer feel good about where he or she works and make them believe you really want to join them.

5. "What do you know about this organization?"

This is a similar question to the previous one, but you still might get both in one interview. Essentially, the interviewer wants to know whether you care enough about this position and the business to take the time to do your homework.

So do your homework! While this isn't a test, you should be aware of the business's major initiatives, mission, and qualities. You should also look into all aspects of the business that are related to the position or function you'll be performing. For example, if you're interviewing for a marketing role, make sure to look at all of the company's social media accounts.

6. "How did you hear about this position?"

While this question may not seem all that important, it's actually a great opportunity for you to demonstrate your interest in the company. Perhaps it's been your longtime dream to work at the organization, and you peruse the company website. If that's the case, say so!

Maybe you heard about it from an acquaintance who is a current employee. In that case, mention the employee's name—this can help you establish a connection, which can help you achieve a more favorable impression.

Or you might have come across the position on a job board. Still, something caught your eye, so rather than dwelling on the fact that you're just looking for any job, explain why you chose to apply to this one in particular.

Answered by puttavaralaxmi1514


sorry for l don't know this answer correct or not I

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