English, asked by PamelaAnderson1234, 2 days ago

Write an introductory easy of face-to-face classes and online schooling.


Answered by harsh7007828


Face-to-Face learning is better than online learning because of the interactions and examples of face to face learning will benefit the learner the most. One of the most beneficial means of physically being in a classroom is the response time that a person receives from an actual person, such as a professor, versus an online class instructor. During face to face learning, a person’s questions will get an immediate answer whereas online learning means waiting for a response. Studies show that immediate and efficient feedback response time is crucial to effective learning. In a classroom environment, you may also have the advantage of working in small groups where you can collaborate on difficult topics and receive immediate feedback from you peer groups as well.

Sometimes, discussing issues or problems with your instructor in person is a lot easier than typing it out or trying to explain it in face-time online.

Efficient and effective constructive feedback is imperative to proper learning environments, such as what a person would receive in an actual classroom. Attending classes in person also creates a disciplined, structured student.

In today’s society, it is crucial that students become more structured by attending scheduled classes. By abiding by a class schedule, this trains the student for “real world” situations, such as being on-time for a job interview or important business meetings. The online environment is usually more flexible as far as time constraints. A person does not have attend class at a specific time and can do household chores, take care of a baby, etc. Many people may see this as an advantage. (Lim, Doo Hun, Michael L. Morris). However, this is actually a disadvantage because it creates a carefree, lazy, and distractive environment. This type of climate cannot possibly properly prepare a person for a job, profession, or career. The online classroom is at an extreme disadvantage when trying to properly prepare a student for a structured, business-type atmosphere.

One of the best ways to make new friends and meet new people by socially interacting with them is in the classroom. Meeting new people is a great way to sharpen your social skills and where else better can a person do that but in the classroom. Socializing with others is a perfect way to make future job connections, acquire new friends, maybe meet your soulmate. Online learning depletes a person of these socializing opportunities. It even impairs them further. Socializing face-to-face is becoming a trait that is harder to find in employers today. With increased amounts of text messages, social media sites, and other less invasive ways of interacting with other people, employers are struggling to find employees that know how to interact face-to-face effectively. They are a dying breed as we speak. Collaborating with others offers several more benefits for a student to be successful in the real world instead of spending time behind a monitor at home.

A great way to learn how to interact with a superior is by being a student in an actual classroom environment. By interacting with your professor, this prepares a student how to effectively talk, respond, and “work for” a superior. Personalities sometimes do not mesh, they may even clash, but by learning how to deal with other personalities, this develops a more well-rounded individual socially speaking.

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