write an letter to editor

25 – A
Green Valley
april 2
The Editor
The HT
Subject: The
growing problem of sleep deficiency
I am writing
to your kind self to express my deep concern over the problem of growing sleep
deficiency among people, especially the young children. Thomas Dekker says,
“Sleep is the golden chain that ties health and body together.” Sleep is one of
the basics needs, deprivation of which might result in serious health issues.
The life pace in the modern times is constantly increasing; so is stress owing
to meeting the deadlines. As a result man has been compromising with his sleep.
Sleep is
crucial to maintaining one's health. Without it, we increase our susceptibility
to an astonishing array of health problems, including heart disease, stroke,
diabetes, obesity and depression. Sleep deprivation also triggers obesity. Sleep
is important in keeping not only our waistline trim, but ensuring a balanced brain
activity too.
Since sleep
is so vital for health, happiness and optimal functioning of our body, we must
not allow our young children to skimp on it. The elders must ensure the young
ones get proper sleep. The biggest culprit in causing sleep deprivation is the
misuse of smart-phones, internet, and TV. The elders must make a strict policy
ensuring the judicious use of the above mentioned gadgets.
Through the
columns of your esteemed daily, I appeal to the elders and the concerned
Government authorities to look into the matter. Sleep deprived citizens of a
country can’t contribute much in the development and advancement of their
country. I hope you will give my views enough space in your daily. Thanking you.
Yours truly,
name xxx.
hope this answer helpful u
Sample letter to the editor:
Malinithan, Arunachal Pradesh
8th April, 2020
The Editor,
The Times of India,
Times Of India Building,
Mumbai - 400001.
Subject: Deplorable roads in Malinithan Town.
Through the columns of your esteemed daily newspaper, I would like to highlight and call attention of the authorities on the deplorable conditions of the roads of Malinithan in Arunachal Pradesh.
The roads of in Malinithan are full of potholes since it has not been repaired for several years. The residents are suffering untold hardship because of the extremely bad road. The bad conditions of the roads is dangerous too and can cause serious road accidents resulting in the lost of precious human life. The deplorable road conditions is unfortunate because this town is a popular tourist attraction for both Indians and foreigners.
Therefore, I earnestly request the higher authorities to take up the matter urgently and repair all the roads in this town at the earliest.
Yours sincerely,
Malinithan, AP