Write an letter to the editor of national daily on an issue related to the present day education system??????
ABC Road
(City) - (Pin code.)
13 May, 20XX
The Editor
The Times of India
(City) - (Pin code.)
Subject- Problems of present day Education system.
It's high time and I think some actions towards our present education system should be taken. Our present education system may be the best one but it needs a change now . It has grown old and needs to be replaced by a new one. In our day to day life whatever we human beings find old we replace it by a new one except some, so why don't we change our education system. A funny quote which now a days you may find on every child's tongue is " If a single teacher cannot teach us every subject then why do they expect us to learn all the subjects.." , in my opinion I think it is true not because i am a student but because i think that it is not that that every student has the ability to learn all the subjects, in fact he should learn that very subject in which he has interest. Student should be given that subject in which he has interest, in 11th class there is an optional subject, why just a single choice ,there should be choices in all the important subjects. If your child is interested in Maths why are you forcing him to learn Physics and Chemistry. I have quoted below some steps-
Student should have right to learn that very subject that they want or have interest in.
Every subject should be given importance and should be taught till class 10th and after that he should be given a choice to choose subject in which he has interest.
No teacher should be given right to force students to learn the subject in which he doesn't have interest.
Yours Sincerely
Aadarsh Colony,
M.G Road ,
Newspaper Editor ,
Times of India ,
Subject : The declining standard of education system in India .
Respected Sir ,
I am XYZ , a student of ___ class . I am writing this letter to draw your attention on the declining standard of education in India.
Sir , as you know many students are seeing the dreams of becoming doctors , engineers , scientists ,physicians etc. etc. They wanna make their own identity . But because of the low standard of our education system. They become doctor engineers but they are not able to do their work properly. Because the education institutions have not bring them properly. Today the Education system has become the source of making money for the for some greedy people's. For them education and education quality does not matter they only want money for their fulfilling their wishes . For the development of our country and the progress of our society education system should be up to date and modern.
I hope you will look into this issue and Write a article on it in your newspaper for awakening our government.
Thanking you ,
Yours obediently,