write an opinion paragraph on ramanuyan movie
The Man Who Knew Infinity, Dev Patel plays math genius Srinivasa Ramunujan. From a town in India and with limited formal training in mathematics, Ramunujan made contributions to Number Theory and infinite series that are still used by mathematicians today. After Ramanujan drafted letters to leading mathematicians at Cambridge University, he spent nearly five years in Cambridge studying with famous English mathematician G. H. Hardy before he tragically contracted tuberculosis and died at the age of 32.
The film The Man Who Knew Infinity is touching and brings Ramanujan’s personal story to life, but if you’ve watched the film you may be wondering exactly what Ramanujan discovered and why his work is considered so extraordinary today.
To shed light on Ramunujan’s life as a mathematician, we talked to LSU mathematician Karl Mahlburg, assistant professor in the Department of Mathematics. Mahlburg’s research is also focused on Number Theory.