English, asked by farzanusmani7069, 1 year ago

Write an original short story which illustrate the truth of the statement "one lie leads to another"


Answered by writersparadise

When a person lies once, he starts a circle of lies. It becomes a vicious chain that never ends, where the liar falls deeper and deeper into a grave that he dug for himself. Let’s look at little Anna who stole her best friend’s puppy.

Anna’s best friend Ella had a cute little white puppy. Anna always wanted a puppy for herself but she was never allowed to have one, because both her parents went to work and there would be nobody at home to take care of the dog. So one day, when Anna was visiting Ella, she hid the puppy under her coat and brought him home because she hated to say goodbye to the little pup.

She hid him in a box, in the garage and played with him for hours. She lied to the maid and stole scraps of food from the kitchen to feed him. Everything was great in Anna’s world for a few days, but then one day the puppy escaped from the garage and nibbled on all of her mother’s shoes. Anna’s mother was livid and started yelling at the security guard for letting stray dogs into the house. Anna had to lie to her mother, to save the poor security guard and told her that it was Anna who had left the gate open. She also had to lie every day to her parents about why she could not complete her homework on time or why her clothes were always so dirty.

When she went to visit Ella again, she saw that her best friend was sick because she missed her little puppy very badly and Ella’s parents were trying everything possible to locate the lost puppy.

Soon Anna realized that she did not want to dishearten everyone she loved and that she was falling into a web of lies that she herself had spun. She returned the puppy to Ella who was elated to see her favorite puppy again. 

Now Anna was able to complete her work on time and keep her clothes clean. Anna did not have to lie to anyone anymore and everything was set right in Anna’s world again.

Answered by armaanshaikh7866ss


A true person is always free of the burden that he does not lie. But a liar is a person who always hides his follies by starting up with a single lie that leads to another and keeps on multiplying endlessly like any parasite, like Bacteria or a cancer germ.

I fail to understand why people tell a lie, why don’t they stick to the fair truth which is just enough for facing the world? Here is a story of a teenager named Ramesh, whose single lie leads him to death as punishment.

Ramesh belonged to a middle-class family. His father was a salesman in one private firm and his mother was a housewife, who did little tailoring business. She used to stitch some clothes at home for her neighbours. Ramesh also had a younger sister who was about six years younger than him. His parents worked very hard to cover the family expenses. But Ramesh was somehow pampered by his mother. She used to fulfil his every wish, without his father’s knowledge.

All his school friends were rich, they used to tease him every day. One fine day, Ramesh decided to teach them a lesson. He spoke to some people about this who asked him for five thousand rupees. It was really impossible for him to get from home. So, without his parents’ knowledge, he borrowed money from one money-lender who told him to keep some security against loans. So, he stole the property papers from the safe and kept them as a mortgage with the money-lender.

He then got his schoolmates beaten up by hiring the professionals. All school-mates were sincerely injured while one was critical. He was rushed to the hospital but he died due to the injuries. The rest of the school-mates launched an F.I.R. against Ramesh. When Police came to his home, he bravely lied to the police that he was not responsible for all this, because he was out of town at his uncle’s marriage. When the police inquired about his bus ticket or train ticket as his proof, he lied to them that he tore it and threw it in the garbage. When he was asked about his uncle address, first he said Delhi, then he said Noida, then he said his uncle had left for the USA.

So, this way he kept lying. Finally, the police arrested him and took him to the Police Station. His father was called to the Police Station. This father demanded bail but he had no money. He wanted to deposit his house papers as security, which was missing from home. His wife said that she had no idea about the the money-lender. He was lying all the time that he was innocent.

Since his parents couldn’t arrange for five lakh rupees, he was sentenced to death and still, Ramesh didn’t speak out the truth. At last, the court ordered Ramesh to be hanged till death. Now it was too late for him to admit the reality. So, he had to take death in the end.

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