Economy, asked by SunilPal7085, 8 months ago

Write an reaction paper about the impact of covid 19 on students and teacher


Answered by ifaqnabi123



In the interest of contributing to the improvement of the quality and equity of

higher education, the UNESCO International Institute for Higher Education in

Latin America and the Caribbean (IESALC) has prepared this report on the

impacts of COVID-19 on higher education. While it focuses primarily on the Latin

American and Caribbean region, some of the strategies and research findings

addressed apply also to other regions. The analyses and recommendations

included are primarily intended for policy makers at both the systemic and

institutional level, for whom the content of this report should provide valuable

information for decision-making in the short, medium and long term.

In the first instance, the report highlights the immediate impacts of the pandemic

on the university higher education sector, both for the different actors and for the

institutions and the system as a whole. Some impacts, which are not

immediately visible, are unfortunately very significant and will surface in the

medium and long term. Secondly, it reviews what actions governments and

higher education institutions (HEIs) have taken to guarantee the right to higher

education during the pandemic. Finally, it considers various scenarios, and

offers some observations and recommendations with regard to the reopening of

HEIs, and highlights the importance of initiating preparations at the earliest.

This report was written by the IESALC technical team. The process was led by

Francesc Pedró, who designed and coordinated its preparation, with the

participation of José Antonio Quinteiro, Débora Ramos and Sara Maneiro. The

first draft benefited from many valuable contributions. The IESALC team wishes

to express its appreciation to the members of its Governing Board who made

important contributions to the report: Luis Bonilla-Molina (Venezuela), Ligia

Amada Melo de Cardona (Dominican Republic) and Rutilia Calderón

(Honduras). The following colleagues from UNESCO are also recognized for

their comments: Lidia Arthur Brito, Director of the UNESCO Regional Office for

Science in Latin America and the Caribbean; David Atchoarena, Director of the

UNESCO International Institute for Lifelong Learning (UIL); Saba Bokhari,

Program Specialist at the Nairobi Regional Office, Kenya; Borhene Chakroun,

Director of the Division of Lifelong Learning Policies and Systems; Vibeke

Jensen, Director of the Education for Sustainable Development Division; Paz

Portales, Program Specialist in the UNESCO Higher Education Section; and

Claudia Uribe Salazar, Director of the UNESCO Regional Office for Education in

Latin America and the Caribbean (OREALC). Important contributions were also

received from Daniel Mato, Director of the UNESCO Chair in Higher Education

and Indigenous and Afro-descendant Peoples in Latin America at the National

University of Tres de Febrero (Argentina), Norberto Fernández Lamarra, Director

of the UNESCO Chair in Education and Future of Latin America at the National

University of Tres de Febrero (Argentina), as well as Cristian Pérez Centeno,

Marisa Álvarez and Pablo García, members of his team. Finally, the report was

reviewed and completed by renowned specialists in public policy on higher

education: Elena Arias Ortiz, Senior Specialist in the Education Division of the

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