Write and run a program using 8086 assembly language that clears the upper
4 bits of AL register using BL register and any logic operation. You must decide
the content of BL register yourself.
00000040 WithArgumentPassed PROC argA: BYTE, argB: BYTE, ptrC: PTR BYTE
; INVOKE SubWithADDR with three argument addresses
; Receives: Parameters argA, argB in BYTE and ptrC as PTR BYTE
; Returns: The result A-B in DL via ptrC
00000040 55 * push ebp
00000041 8B EC * mov ebp, esp
INVOKE SubWithADDR, ADDR argA, ADDR argB, ptrC
00000043 FF 75 10 * push dword ptr ss:[ebp]+000000010h
00000046 8D 45 0C * lea eax, byte ptr ss:[ebp]+00Ch
00000049 50 * push eax
0000004A 8D 45 08 * lea eax, byte ptr ss:[ebp]+008h
0000004D 50 * push eax
0000004E E8 FFFFFFAD * call SubWithADDR
00000053 8B 75 10 mov esi, ptrC
00000056 8A 16 mov dl, [esi]
00000058 C9 * leave
00000059 C2 000C * ret 0000Ch
0000005C WithArgumentPassed ENDP