Biology, asked by SrashtiRathore, 1 year ago

Write answer in one word/Sentence :

1. Write the name of father of genetics.

2. Write full name of DNA and RNA?

3. What is Allele?

4. Differ between genotype and phenotype.


Answered by harshitagarwal624

Hello mate ur answer.!


1) George Mendel is known as the father of GENETICS.

2)DNA.- DeoxiRibo nuclice Acid

RNA - Ribo Nuclice Acid.

3) ALLELE - It is alternate form of gene which exist in pairs

4) Genotype - the Gentical apprence of a child.

eg. roling tongue., ear loobs

Phenotyle :- The Morphological apperence of child

.eg. Tall - drawf.

black - white.


#hope it help uh.


amarnath1990yadav: GJ mental is the father of genatic
harshitagarwal624: is Mendel not mental bro.!
Answered by Vivekdemon

.Gregor Mendel

. deoxyribonucleic acid, ribonucleic acid

.allele is defined as the alternative forms of a general occupying the same position on homologous chromosome and affecting the same characteristics but in different ways.

. genotype- it is the set of genes present in the cells of an organism.

. it's ratio is3:1 in monohybrid

phenotype- it is the observable characterstics which is genitically controlled.

. it's ratio is1:2:1 in monohybrid

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