Write any active voice and passive voice for simple present i examples
Answer :
For making the active voice of simple present tense, use this formula given below :
Subject + 1st Verb form/ 5th Verb form + Object.
For example:- He helps me.
Here, "He" is the subject in this sentence. "helps" is the 5th Verb form in this sentence and "me" is the object in this sentence.
For making the passive voice of simple present tense, use this formula given below :
Subject + is/am/are + 3rd Verb form + Object.
For example :- I am helped by him.
Here, the object is come in the place of subject, just "I" is come in the place of "He". So, here "I" is the subject in this sentence. "helped" is the 3rd Verb form in this sentence, "am" is the auxiliary verb in the sentence, "by" is the preposition in the sentence and "him" is the object in this sentence.
An action of a subject in relation to an object is expressed in both of these voices.
▪Subject and object will be interchanged.
▪Always 3rd form of verb is to be used.
▪In present simple tense we'll use helping verb of present continuous tense i.e. "is, am, are".
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