write any five positive body languages
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Examples of Body Language: Recognize Nonverbal Cues
The term "body language" refers to the gestures a person’s face or body gives as an aid to communication. These clues can be intentional or unintentional and positive or negative.
Angry boy crossing his arms as examples of body language
Examples of body language
Examples of Positive Body Language
Positive body language is when your movements and gestures show that you are engaged, interested, approachable, and open. Explore these examples of positive body language and what they communicate to others.
Head Tilted to One Side
A tilted head demonstrates that a person is listening keenly, or is interested in what is being communicated.
Rubbing Hands Together Briskly
This is a way of communicating that an individual is excited for something or is waiting in anticipation. It can also indicate being cold, so be mindful of the setting.
Palms Open and Facing Upward
An open palm is a sign of openness and honesty. It can also be a show of submission. For example, in older days when many people carried weapons, this was used to show that they were not holding one. It can also be a sign of sincerity and innocence. Some people open their palms during worship at church as a sign of submission and respect.
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Examples of Body Language: Recognize Nonverbal Cues
The term "body language" refers to the gestures a person’s face or body gives as an aid to communication. These clues can be intentional or unintentional and positive or negative.
Angry boy crossing his arms as examples of body language
Examples of body language
Examples of Positive Body Language
Positive body language is when your movements and gestures show that you are engaged, interested, approachable, and open. Explore these examples of positive body language and what they communicate to others.
Head Tilted to One Side
A tilted head demonstrates that a person is listening keenly, or is interested in what is being communicated.
Rubbing Hands Together Briskly
This is a way of communicating that an individual is excited for something or is waiting in anticipation. It can also indicate being cold, so be mindful of the setting.
Palms Open and Facing Upward
An open palm is a sign of openness and honesty. It can also be a show of submission. For example, in older days when many people carried weapons, this was used to show that they were not holding one. It can also be a sign of sincerity and innocence. Some people open their palms during worship at church as a sign of submission and respect.
Standing Straight With Shoulders Back
This position shows that a person is feeling confident of himself or herself. It is often accompanied with walking at a brisk stride. Your stance should feel relaxed, yet tall and not rigid.
Stroking Your Chin or Beard
When one strokes the chin, he or she is communicating deep thought. Such a motion is often used unintentionally when an individual is trying to come to a decision about a matter. It indicates thoughtfulness and interest.