Write any five underrated saints of Bhakti movement in North India also write a short note on them .
The following points highlight the fifteen popular saints of bhakti movement. The chief saints are: 1. Ramanuja 2. Nimbarka 3. Madhva 4. Vallabhacharya 5. Ramananda 6. Chaitanya (1486—1533) 7. Kabir 8. Guru Nanak 9. Dadu Dayal (1554—1603 A D.) 10. Mira Bai (1498—1546) 11. Tulsidas (1532—1623) 12. Sur Das 13. Maluk Das (1574—1682) 14. Sundardas (1596—1689) 15. Birbhan.
- Saint # 1. Ramanuja:
- The earliest exponent of the Bhakti movement was Ramanuja, who was born at Sri Perumbudur in Southern India in the year 1017 A.D. He received his education at Canjeevaram and Shrirangam. On account of his scholarship he was appointed as the successor of his teacher Yamunamuni, the well- known Vaishnava saint. Thus Ramanuja acquired a position of authority
- Saint # 2. Nimbarka:
Nimbarka was a younger contemporary of Ramanuja, who also rendered great service to the spread of Bhakti movement. He wrote Vedanta-Parijatasourabha, a commentary on the Brahma Sutra, in simple language. Nimbarka also wrote Dasa Sloki, which deals with three realities (tri-tattava) —Brahma (Krishna), soul (Chit) and matter (Achit).
Saint # 3. Madhva:
Madhva was another devotee of Vishnu from the South. He took to monastic life when he was 25 years old. He wrote four bhasyas on Brahma Sutra; on the opening passages of the Rig-Veda; on the ten philosophical Upanishads; and on the Bhagavad-Gita. He also wrote expositions of Mahabharata and Bhagavata. It is said that Madhva in all wrote thistly-seven works
Saint # 4. Vallabhacharya:
Vallabhacharya was another prominent Vaishnava saint from the South. He hailed from a Telugu Brahman family, and gained great popularity for his talents, scholarship and deep knowledge of philosophy. He had intense love for the divine incarnation of God—Shri Krishna. He wrote commentaries on the Brahma Sutra, the Jaimini Sutra and Brahma Sutra and Anubhshya and Tattvarthadipa. In addition he wrote numerous other small works.
Saint # 5. Ramananda:
The credit for the spread of Vaishnava religion in northern India goes to Ramananda. He was born at Prayag (Allahabad) of Kanya-kubja parents. He got his schooling at Prayag and Banaras and visited the various religious places in northern India, where he preached Vaishnavism. He preached the worship of Ram and Sita in place of Vishnu. He believed in Vishistadvaita philosophy of Ramauja and carried his teachings much further. He strongly opposed sectarianism and rites and insisted on adoption of Hindi in place of Sanskrit.
♡1. Ramanuja:♡
The earliest exponent of the Bhakti movement was Ramanuja, who was born at Sri Perumbudur in Southern India in the year 1017 A.D. He received his education at Canjeevaram and Shrirangam. On account of his scholarship he was appointed as the successor of his teacher Yamunamuni, the well- known Vaishnava saint. Thus Ramanuja acquired a position of authority.
♡ 2. Nimbarka:♡
Nimbarka was a younger contemporary of Ramanuja, who also rendered great service to the spread of Bhakti movement. He wrote Vedanta-Parijatasourabha, a commentary on the Brahma Sutra, in simple language. Nimbarka also wrote Dasa Sloki, which deals with three realities (tri-tattava) —Brahma (Krishna), soul (Chit) and matter (Achit).
♡ 3. Madhva:♡
Madhva was another devotee of Vishnu from the South. He took to monastic life when he was 25 years old. He wrote four bhasyas on Brahma Sutra; on the opening passages of the Rig-Veda; on the ten philosophical Upanishads; and on the Bhagavad-Gita. He also wrote expositions of Mahabharata and Bhagavata. It is said that Madhva in all wrote thistly-seven works
♡4. Vallabhacharya:♡
Vallabhacharya was another prominent Vaishnava saint from the South. He hailed from a Telugu Brahman family, and gained great popularity for his talents, scholarship and deep knowledge of philosophy. He had intense love for the divine incarnation of God—Shri Krishna. He wrote commentaries on the Brahma Sutra, the Jaimini Sutra and Brahma Sutra and Anubhshya and Tattvarthadipa. In addition he wrote numerous other small works.
♡5. Ramananda:♡
The credit for the spread of Vaishnava religion in northern India goes to Ramananda. He was born at Prayag (Allahabad) of Kanya-kubja parents. He got his schooling at Prayag and Banaras and visited the various religious places in northern India, where he preached Vaishnavism. He preached the worship of Ram and Sita in place of Vishnu. He believed in Vishistadvaita philosophy of Ramauja and carried his teachings much further. He strongly opposed sectarianism and rites and insisted on adoption of Hindi in place of Sanskrit.