Social Sciences, asked by devang13, 1 year ago

write any five ways by which British regulated the lives of forest societies in India


Answered by mdurga7799p50yjg
The British regulated the forest societies in the following manner:

a.From the mid-nineteenth century, Waste Land Rules were enacted in various parts of the country. By these Rules uncultivated lands were taken over and given to select individuals.

b. Forest Acts were also being enacted in the different provinces. Through these Acts some forests which produced commercially valuable timber like deodar or sal were declared ‘Reserved’. No pastoralist was allowed access to these forests. Other forests were classified as ‘Protected’. This would help the colonists to export the woods and earn revenue.

c. These Forest Acts changed the lives of pastoralists in the following manner:

Villagers were not allowed to access Reserved forests.Shifting cultivation was banned.It brought about huge displacement of people.Taxes were imposed on people.Grazing and hunting were restricted as a result many nomadic communities lost their livelihood.


d.The Pastoralists needed permission for entry in the forests. The timing of their entry and departure was specified, and the number of days they could spend in the forest was limited

Answered by CuteBipasha1
1.The demand of crops like Jute Wheat Sugar rose in 19th century in Europe to feed the urban population.
2.The colonials thought that forest were unproductive as it enhance less income.
3. To fulfil the supply of timber for the royal navey
4.As railways start expanding rapidly during 1850's large no. of trees were cut down to fulfil the need of fuel slippers etc. ..
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