Write any four echo types for choice device.
There are different echo types. Echocardiograms depicts these different echo diagrams in Healthcare domain.
There are serveral echocardiograms. Few as below :-
1) Transthoracic echocardiography - Transducer device uses this technique. Device will be placed on chest over heart. The device sends ultrasound waves toward the heart. A computer interprets the sound waves as they bounce back to the transducer. This produces the live images.
2) Transesophageal echocardiography - In this technique, the doctor guides a much smaller transducer down throat through a thin, flexible tube.
3) Fetal echocardiography - The transducer is placed over the woman’s belly to check for heart problems in the fetus
4) Stress echocardiogram - This allows your doctor to test how your heart performs under stress.